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flying guns

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
I am on the east coast and flying home this weekend-I drove here. I have a rifle I want to take home. I own 2 hard side cases(both in Idaho) and prefer not to buy another.
Can I break my rifle down into multiple parts and check it through as luggage legally!!?
Saw a pistol checked a few years ago....the person put it on the counter and had to show the lady behind the computer that it was not loaded. She was all nervious and quickly said something like that is good enough now put it it was going to blow up. If I remember right the person just put it into her bag and zipped it up.
I 'd just call the airline and ask them to be safe. Each one I'm sure has a different set of rules.
If anyone has any good ideas of how to get reloads (ammo) sent to where your hunting please post them.
If anyone has any good ideas of how to get reloads (ammo) sent to where your hunting please post them.

Put your reloads in a factory box and carry them in your checked bags. Obviously you need to declare it when you check in, but they don't know what is factory and what is reloaded.
Oak is right. Do what he says. Lockable hard case. Nothing fancy needed. It will go into the cargo hold. You can not carry on any form of firearm. I have used an old steel ammo box that I have rigged with a padlock twice in the past 18 months to fly cross country with my handgun in it. No problems. Anything that is hardsided and locked is "airline approved". It's not really much worse to travel with your gun than it is without. Air travel, thanks to our government meddling has become a real pain. Remember, as soon as you get to the airport you are a suspect, when you go in and declare your gun at least they know you aren't hiding anything.
Nickster.. Depending on where you are at on the east coast I could help you out with a case. I am in Virginia up by Harpers Ferry area.
I'm in central Pa., heading to Caldwell the 2nd. week of sept. I'll gladly take it out with me if wou can wait that long.
Thanks folks!

I appreciate the help. It looks like I need a case.
Thanks also for the offers of help! I am always impressed by anothers willingness to help a stranger-especially among our community.
I got an offer for a loaner case as well as an offer to bring it to me-Thanks a bunch.
I just called my wife. 5 AM Idaho time. Groggily she agreed that I need another case and gave me permission to purchase another, Yippeee! Now I gotta run over and get one before she wakes up and sees that I bamboozeled her (is that a word?)

...bamboozled is a word often associated with married is a reciprocal arrangement.;)

I am always impressed by anothers willingness to help a stranger-especially among our community

As am I.
My only advise would be if you don't care about the gun you want to take back with you...any case will do! If you want to use the gun after you get back home I would recommend spending a little more and getting a good case that will take some abuse...remember the people handling this case make $8.50 and hour and don't care what condition that case arrives in, if it is broken or open or lays in a puddle of water or rain on a layover...THEY DON'T CARE! I see bags get run over, torn, dropped, fall off carts, and thrown everyday, they tape them with packing tape and send them on. Just letting you know!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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