Fishing derbys are for douche bags?

Growing up the rod and gun club held a derby for kids every spring at the Sharon center Bridge. As a kid this was great fun, but there was always 4 or 5 dad's who turned into raving lunatics. Never understood it, it is supposed to be all for fun and to raise some money for the rod and gun club.
Money does that to people! I suspect most the guys doing it are good people though.
You need to take in a fishing derby. It was not uncommon for people to shoot at each other during the Port Angeles salmon derby. "Good people" avoid that shit show. Bad as it was, it was no comparison to the crowd at the Lake of the Woods bass tournament. I happened to be in Kenora one tournament weekend twenty years ago doing research and walked down to the marina during lunch. I almost waded into a fistfight.
Saw this story last week when it came out. Hope the judge throws the book at them. The only legal technicality I see is that the tourney official "took" their fish to open them up and show the lead weights. Hope that doesn't throw a wrench in the case. These guys need heavy fines at the minimum.
Really? It happened only five days ago. Surprised I missed it as I usually check for new threads a couple times a day.