First Mulie


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
I took the twins out Saturday to try and find something to put in the deepfreeze. With 4 kids shooting this year I told them they could each pick one animal and we would go after which ever they picked. Twin 1 Fallingrock {Brayden} picked Antelope twin 2 Thunderfoot {Brent} picked Mule deer. We left the house early and ran into rain close to where we were looking for Antelope. After a couple hours and only seeing 2 Antelope that barely topped their ears we decided to check some Mulie haunts.
We spotted a bunch of does up a small draw but no bucks. I figured if the draw held does there had to be a buck there somewhere. We snuck up the opposite side of the draw and picked our way along and sure enough we found a buck hiding in some scrub bush. I gave Thunderfoot the opption of passing it up knowing we'd see better later in the year. He decided it was good enough for his first deer and I had to admitt it was 3 or 4 times for me before I'd shot one bigger.
When we first spotted the buck he was higher than us and we could only see his neck and head. We worked further up the side hill and to within 100 yrds and Thunderfoot had a decent view of 1/2 the front end. He put the crosshairs right where I told him took his time and touched of a perfect shot to anchour his first ever deer.
The first picture is the buck thinking he's hiding. The second picture is what happens if you don't hide to good.
Here's the vid also Brents first


Also very impressed with the bolt open on the rifle laying on the deer......
SOmeone believes in safety
Great first deer and nice photo. The first deer I ever shot had it's picture taken in the back of a pick-up with the tongue hanging out. |oo :eek:
Nice shooting!!! Cool it's on video. Hope to get my niece on video in about two weeks.
That is a great first deer. My first deer was a 130 lb field dressed doe, and my first buck was spike that was bearly legal. Great deer and congradulations.
Quick Draw
thats what I'm talking "ABOOT" !!! HAHAH !!! "Right in the shoulder Abooot mid way just over the grass line" ;)

Kudos on a Fine kill !!!!!! Thats awesome !!
Caribou Gear

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