PEAX Equipment

F'ing Slobs


New member
Dec 5, 2003
I went fishing this weekend at a stream I like to hit once a year. It runs through a state forest and has some native trout in it. (Pretty rare for this neck of the woods).

Anyway I get to my favorite pool and find some assholes had been camping and left shit everywhere. Strewn for about a hundred yards up both banks. The worst was broken glass from liquor bottles. I am damn lucky my dog didn't cut a pad.

What possesses people to go into the woods, get drunk and leave their trash everywhere. I don't get it.
Hate to admit it but I was young once. Before being legal, I'd steal my brother's ID, take RT 20 up to NY(where you could buy liquor at 18, fill the wagon and we'd stash it all in the woods for the weekenders. No concern for the wood, water, or anyone else at that age.
To make amends, I did do some Eagle Scout programs and hauled over 4 Tons of trash from two streams, restocked 400 brook and browns, and set up natural airiation sections in the flats.
So, I guess my best suggestion would be grab a garbage bag and some friends(let me know when) and have a restoration party. I might even be able to get a decent price on some brookies if you need them.

i agree, now its your duty to clean the shit up or your part of the problem!......
It has to be those kids that want to live and be one with the earth, out camping and living off the land, such as the same ones that make sure every one knows they have been to some of these other places....


I usually pick up a pick up load of garbage every year, it is hauled out of the back country in my pack or picked up in those places I chose to stay the night. I am amazed on how far some of these people will go to haul bottled beer into the mountains.