FINALLY Gun season opens here SAT.!

JB Florida

New member
Dec 9, 2000
Florida/Gulf ShoresAlabama
Most of yall are wrapping it up but ours starts in Bama Saturday and goes thru the month of January! Ive got one pocket filled with doe tags and the other with bullets :D :D :D :D They better watch out
Jb ...go get em. Pile em high! :D ;) :cool:

Our gun season doesnt start here until Dec 2nd. and it only goes until the 8th. :rolleyes: and no rifles
Since the season started around here around the first part of Sept, it is now starting to wind down..We will only be able to chase things into the middle of Jan...I wish it could never end...Go get um John!!! :D :D :D
Same as JB our rifle season here in tennessee opens up sat. and i got me a killer spot in behind jack daniels the liqour 15 doe permits and 2 mooses running around on the land....gonna be a field day
Welcome Big Game..Glad to see you joined us..Make sure you post your stories..We would really love to see them... :D
Thanks Yall,
They are predicting cool weather for the weekend for a change. The better news is I may have a 3 day pass......whooooohooooooo

Hey Big Game, Are the liquiored Up ones easier to get on the ground? ;) :D

Which moon charts do you use?

Oh and hey, my Bro-in-law got a nice buck in your neck of the woods last week.
It was his best buck yet at 138" :D
He says he will bow hunt on our place the entire season but I think he will have to pick up a rifle to fill his share of our doe tags before the rut starts in late January.
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