Finally getting some meat.


New member
Feb 3, 2003
indiana no more
Well after a bit of a slow start to the deer season, my team is finally bringing some home.

First was young Nashua who is now 12. He decided that he was way over due for an archery kill this year, so he had been setting up a cottonwood near the house several evenings with his doe tag burrning a hole in his pocket. Finally, he and his Mom went with their bows, and sat up about 20 yards apart.
After seeing a pile of deer in the wrong places, a young doe came under him and stopped right next to the tuft of brush that he always shoots his judo point at when he first gets up his stand. Bad mistake for a deer.
With his Mom watching from her tree, Nash drew, and let fly with a cedar shaft and Zwicky Delta. Perfect hit, on his first ever shot at a deer, with an old Herter's recurve that I bought back in 1973 as a teenage kid. Very cool for me!!
They sat for a good while, then got down and found his arrow that had passed thru and been broken as the doe ran off. They got a good fix on the blood trail, then came home and got Ben and I to go help trail her up and bring her home.
Now we are after bucks and have not seen anything that we wanted to shoot yet. We have had lots of fun making stalks and getting set up on some small bucks. Hopefully that will help when the time comes for a big one.

My wife Sarah, has been also out several times and seen nothing she wanted to chase around after a shot. She does however have a group of does that she can see from the house every morning. They always go onto a piece of BLM that she can see from the house. Well this morning they had a 4 point with them that met her standard for this season. As the sun came up, she was ready with my old 725, and she made meat.
Nothing fancy as far as hiking in and packing out, she was just in the mood to get the freezer on the way to full, and this guy proved to be just the ticket. Kinda cool for me, cause the deer was home and hanging shortly after 8am for a change. The past two days have been the first that we have seen bucks giving does any real attention. Hopefully me and the boys will get in on a little of the rut action this week.


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Awesome recurve kill for your son, that is impressive! Very solid buck as well there! That'll make a guy proud
very nice...awesome that he is shooting the recurve...gonna get me one of those in the next year or two
Very cool Twodot...
Your wife's buck is a dandy.
That's awesome that your son's first kill was with a recurve, can't imagine too many people start their big game careers like that anymore.
Very cool, TwoDot. Thanks for sharing with us the true essence of family and hunting. Congrats to the hunters. Very impressive.
Thank you all for the kind replys! We really do have a lot of fun.
We just came in a while ago from helping our friend next door bring in his buck. He has his brother from Ohio out to hunt with him this week, and ended up going quite a bit deeper than he expected to get this buck. His brother came and got us and we all went in and brought it out for him. Couple of 70 year plus bros doing it on their own, on public land! My congrats to the Smith brothers.

pictures are of the Smiths, and of course my hauling crew.


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A great report and your son looks more than pleased with himself.
I just wish i could get my family interested in hunting as you have.

2dot i have changed your picture for you, hope you don't mind, got time on my hands today!
devon, thank you.
That picture is me doing what I do best, hauling stuff. The man in the background is a friend from Washington who has come out to hunt elk. He has killed 24 of them with his bow, but never fired a rifle at an elk in his life. He wants number 25 to be his first gun kill. He hunts public land almost always alone. Hope to have some pictures of his hunt soon.

As a side note, Am I the only person who hates game carts? The wife and I find it much easier to pack out quartered, skinned meat than dragging these carts thru the brush. We brought this one because the brothers asked us to.

Got to go. A big, 2x3 just chased a do across the yard. Had his head tipped back, and his neck stretched way out. Looks like the rut is finally here for sure.

Congrats to Nashua, Sarah and Cliff!

I was out your way on Friday to fill my cow permit. Hiked a BIG circle around the deputy sheriff BMA with plenty of black cow sightings but NO brown cow sightings. I headed to the development just to remind myself what an elk looked like and behold...empty alfalfa fields! So being immersed in my own self pity and jealousy towards all the successful road hunters I continued past the schoolhouse and as soon as I made the top of hill....50 head cross right in front of me! I have had enough "hard" elk to deserve an "easy" elk! :)

In regards to game carts...I agree with you 100%! I used one for the first time this year with my archery bull and it was a huge hassle. Typically I pack quarters, but due to temperatures (80's) and the proximity to a closed road I figured a game cart would be perfect...not the case. The few deadfalls across the trail were a nightmare to try to pull it over alone (would of been quicker to bring a saw and cut them out). The meat from the bagged quarters kept on wanting to slump into the wheels as well (biggest headache/ need to build fenders!). And finally balancing the load solo is a pain and brakes are highly desired if going downhill!!!

Now to share a "Why I will never hunt opening weekend story"

Friday morning the lady friend and I headed out and set up camp and started glassing. We found elk (surprise! surprise!). Opening morning we show up and I glass the elk up again heading into a coulee to bed. Then the Wis"CAN"sins arrived who to our chagrin sat on the road and watched us hunt coulee to coulee until we had the right wind. Wind required working the coulee towards the road, and since this was the "elk" coulee, the fellers decided it was time to get out of the truck and ready their rifles rather than driving parallel to use for the first 2 hours. The wind swirled...the elk spooked (couldn't believe how spooky they were)...and in typical elk fashion they run out ahead of us and mill (400 yards either direction) between the hunters and us. The ladyfriend and I discuss how the elk hadn't seen us and how those guys skylined would just cause the elk to push back into another coulee towards us. It was a good plan until they started flinging lead at the elk in direct line with us. 11 shots resulted in two cows and A LOT of "hi-fives"!

I couldn't stand to talk to them without losing my cool so we packed camp and headed out! God Bless Them!