Yeti GOBOX Collection

Fewer Republicans Trust the News


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
From the Washington Post. I have to agree with those that find the media untrustworthy. I think their actual reporting is good, maybe as good as it has ever been. My problem lies with what the media chooses to report, and more importantly what it chooses to stick on the back page or completely ignore.

In a country increasingly divided into red and blue states, the media are taking on a more partisan coloration as well -- at least in the eyes of those who read and watch.

Republicans have come to distrust the media in greater numbers since President Bush took office, says a new poll released yesterday, while Democratic views are mostly unchanged.

I'm not a Republican (or a Democrat)and I distrust ALL media and political parties.

None ever state the truth. They are LIARS :eek:
The news people used to really, really avoide giving any opinions several years back. Then they started giving opinions, then they started haveing debates with guests, then they started debating it themselves. Now, we have some pretty much all out battles on what the news means, etc.

What they choose to report and what they don't report is a major issue.

I think news people tend to be liberal also, they have to go out and seek every person's opinion, every new group with every new cause that needs attention. People who enjoy that have tended to be more liberal than they have conservative, in the past.

The only good thing about all these debate type shows, is now, some conservative viewpoints are receiving some attention. There's some thoughts on it.
Good point. Anyone see anything in the news about the Vegan terrorists being arrested, tried and convicted in Kentucky? Hmmmmmm.