Feels Like I Was Gut Shot.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2010
Piedmont region of North Carolina
You guys out there who are getting to go hunting try to have a bit of pity on me, for I won't be able to this season.
Got up Saturday morning to severe pains in my stomach which was distended and super sensitive to the touch. After trying to be macho for a while I finally had my wife drive me to the ER, for the pain was escalating at a geometric rate. After triage and a CAT scan, a surgeon came in to inform me that I had a bowel blockage and as soon as I signed the paperwork my butt was enroute to the OR. When conscious again I learned that I had two pea sized masses in the small intestine just below the stomach and the intestine had gone in on itself blocking any flow, so am now minus about 4" of gut but hope I'm out of the woods. The biopsy won't be back until Friday, so I came home yesterday to a diet of light weight soft foods, soups, etc. but being a Southerner that gives me an excuse for eating grits any time I want them. Sure would like to have 2-3 good enchiladas though. Besides the internal snipping and clipping, I have two incisions in my stomach wall which have to feel like being gut shot.
Hopefully the worst part is over!
Here's to a speedy recovery. Be thinking of you when I hunt this big winter storm this weekend. Your turn next year.
Here's wishing you a speedy recovery & enjoy those grits. Here in Washington I rarely see grits, but when I visit my parents in Florida grits are everywhere and quite tasty. Good luck!
Sorry you gotta eat them turds. Get to work on them crunches, you'll be better in no time! on second thought, you better do what the wife says for a while.
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