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Ever been mistaken for a celebrity?

Serioiusly, today was the 4th or 5th time someone has thought I was Mark Mcgwire...........

you must have ran into Stevie wonder

I'm 5' 10" and an impressive 220

two words of advice

#1 Weight
#2 Watchers
Heres what I believe...I bet the Cheese has been mistaken for this guy.

The main difference is that Ted lived in a cabin in MT...not a hole that he dug.

you don't know anything about bodytype or bone mass

ahhh so you were big boned,,,,,,who would have thought that would have turned out to be a true thing!:D
I've yet to see a fat skeleton........

What Collage isn't the right spelling ? Huhhhh ? WTFetch ?
Hey 402 I saw your pics from the UFC, and I see how you could be mistaken for Mark Mcgwire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a 44 year old washed up ball player:D,,,,yes indeed,,,,,,,,,,,
For me with out a doubt it's Brett Boone. Not so much anymore now that he's out of Baseball and especially since he's out of Seattle. Really weird to have complete strangers walk up to you and say..."Hey do you know who you look like?"....let me guess. :rolleyes:

I'm kind of the opposite of AZ402 and McGwire though....Boone's like 5'8 a buck 70 I'm 6' 200. Would've like to have had his contract before he took a sh.t. :D

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