Ell hide fire extinguisher


New member
Dec 25, 2014
I am an accomplished resident Wyoming elk hunter having hunted elk here for 36 years. I was in utter shock and disbelief watching Randy's central Wyoming hunt when he threw part of an elk hide over his camp fire as if it where some kind of fire extinguisher. Obviously, it didn't start a fire this time. But, We have a very dry climate here and it doesn't take much to start a fire that would consume the beloved country that those elk call home. My hope is that his future hunting shows do not teach similar reckless behaviors.
I don't believe Randy would do anything that would harm Mother Nature or the animals within.
Welcome to the forum.

I just watched the footage again. It shows we had kicked out this small fire, stomping it down and putting dirt over it. Yes, I did take a piece of the hide from my elk and place it leather side down, over the spot where this fire had been.

It has been a while since I took my college Physics and Chemistry classes, but I suspect a fresh elk hide has a pretty high ignition temperature. Especially when considering it was placed over the remnants of a small fire that had been snuffed out.

We walked past the spot later that evening on our way out. There was not even an ember remaining, even in that wind. Our efforts to put out this small fire worked as expected, especially when preceded by letting the fire burn down, stomping out whatever embers remained, then kicking dirt over the top of those embers.

I appreciate your concern and that you would post such here, but I would disagree that this action was reckless. It represents a greater effort to insure this small fire was completely out, beyond normal suppression actions of dispersing the fire and putting dirt over it.

Thanks for watching and thanks for signing up for the forum.
I am an accomplished resident Wyoming elk hunter having hunted elk here for 36 years. I was in utter shock and disbelief watching Randy's central Wyoming hunt when he threw part of an elk hide over his camp fire as if it where some kind of fire extinguisher. Obviously, it didn't start a fire this time. But, We have a very dry climate here and it doesn't take much to start a fire that would consume the beloved country that those elk call home. My hope is that his future hunting shows do not teach similar reckless behaviors.

So, I guess from your first post here I should believe how accomplished you are, but would rather see pictures to represent some of those 36 year elk hunting.
Probably don't need to jump down the guys throat too bad. He thought he saw something unsafe, randy pointed out the facts tactfully, seems like a done deal. Though I would like to see pics of his elk because my big game season is over and I'm bored.
Since you are an accomplished elk hunter of 36 years I asume you have pics of 36 different elk to share with us.
Probably don't need to jump down the guys throat too bad. He thought he saw something unsafe, randy pointed out the facts tactfully, seems like a done deal. Though I would like to see pics of his elk because my big game season is over and I'm bored.

I agree that maybe this was not exactly what he meant to portray, and Randy did have a very polite and reasonable answer. HOWEVER! This is easily one of the more arrogant posts I have read on here in my short time especially for a first post. Time nor residency makes you accomplished by itself and to call out someone as accomplished as Randy is absurd. Especially with a well known track record of conservation and ethics. Hope LazyV is right and this is a done deal. More posts like this are not needed. But it does prove my theory that sportsmen are our own worst enemies.
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