Elk in Vegas?

Now all the guys I know who tell their wives they go hunting but really go to Vegas can do both!
If i had to trade Vegas for an elk hunt, Ii'd find a way to get over it....

Really only casino I want to be in when there is elk nearby might be on the Jicarilla reservation...As long as I had a hunt to go on...
up on the mount charlston area west of town it looks like wyoming and is high and much cooler, elk country.
Yes there are elk in the Spring Mountains, and lots of sheep. The elk used to hang out where they could be seen pretty easily at times but I don't know if that is still true or not.
What kind of elevation is that? Hard to believe they can tolerate some of the heat out there.
This is around 9000’. The highest peak in that range is almost 12,000’. Most people don’t realize that’s Vegas is surrounded by mountains. We even have a ski resort.
Yes there are elk in the Spring Mountains, and lots of sheep. The elk used to hang out where they could be seen pretty easily at times but I don't know if that is still true or not.
You can still see them eating out of gardens and trash can in cold creek. Those are pretty much tame elk, but the range itself is full of elk. It was one of the first places elk were reintroduced in Nevada. The got elk from Yellowstone and put them on the pilot peak mountain range, then the spring mountains by Vegas.
That’s insane! Just got home from there Monday and I sure didn’t see them. All kinds of fruits and nuts , but no elk!
Water tank would definitely be the place to hunt them.
Not many tanks in this range. All the big game tanks are in sheep country and there’s not even many of those since the range doesn’t hold a very large sheep herd by Nevada standards. That range is full of marked and unmarked springs. In the lower country, they get there water from the bulb of yucca plants. You can watch the elk and deer pull the leaves out of the plant. They eat them like we do artichoke. Pull a leaf, eat the base, pull another leave and eat the base. Once the leaves are gone, the eat the center which contains a lot of water. You’ll see acre sections of desert with the leaves pulled out of all the yucca. What tough with hunting these is they will travel a straight line 10 or so miles in one night. There’s not enough feed for them to chill in one area for long. So you have to constantly be moving.