elk hunting in montana

The most striking part of this short post is the fact that elk hunting for this person is going to be a dream come true. For all of us in the Rocky Mountain West that elk hunt annually, we need to not lose site that we are truly living the dream. Count your blessings people! I wish this hunter all the best!
The most striking part of this short post is the fact that elk hunting for this person is going to be a dream come true. For all of us in the Rocky Mountain West that elk hunt annually, we need to not lose site that we are truly living the dream. Count your blessings people! I wish this hunter all the best!
that was well said and i hope everyone has a safe hunting season and everyone returns home safe
have another question i have both knees total replacement i plan on training all this year and next to try and elk hunt what are my chances of being able to walk the mountains to shoot an elk
have another question i have both knees total replacement i plan on training all this year and next to try and elk hunt what are my chances of being able to walk the mountains to shoot an elk

That would be hard to say. It depends on a lot of factors. Like are you overweight? How old are you? How strong are your legs and heart? And so on.

I'm a healthy 69 year old who works hard to stay in shape. Even with that,, if I did not have horses,,, my days of walking big miles in the mountains are about over. Oh I can still lead a horse out downhill a good long ways.
The most striking part of this short post is the fact that elk hunting for this person is going to be a dream come true. For all of us in the Rocky Mountain West that elk hunt annually, we need to not lose site that we are truly living the dream. Count your blessings people! I wish this hunter all the best!

every time i start hating the fact i live in colorado i do tend to be reminded of this

still kinda hate the fact i live in colorado tho
have another question i have both knees total replacement i plan on training all this year and next to try and elk hunt what are my chances of being able to walk the mountains to shoot an elk
My dad had both knees done less than two years ago and is climbing mountains and biking in mountains as well now.
have another question i have both knees total replacement i plan on training all this year and next to try and elk hunt what are my chances of being able to walk the mountains to shoot an elk
That's a question for you and your PT.
Ohio Hunter, you just got to do it!!! I was bit by the elk bug 20 yrs ago, then life got in the way and I didn't elk hunt for 15 years. Now I have been bit again hard but this time I am making it happen. I am taking care of my health, working out as much as I can and I plan to hunt elk somewhere every year my body will let me. Montana is high on my list as well. Wyoming last year, Colorado this year, somewhere next year......Good luck chasing your dream.
I'm an old Elk hunter too and originally from Central Ohio. I'm 70 and still working on my original kness though they aren't 100%. If you intend to Hunt Montana I hope you have done some homework and understand the draw system in Montana. There are no Non-resident over the counter Elk tags. You have to enter the draw. So my first question is have you accumulated any Preference points yet? If not and it's not too late purchase one. Then when you enter the draw next year purchase another. If you have 2 preference points your odds are pretty good for getting a general season tag.

I've been walking 5-6 miles a day for the last three months. I miss the occasional day but I figure that is about the minimum I should be doing. I've lost close to 20 lbs and needed to. Bad thing is I usually let myself go after Elk season I don't get serious till a few months out from the next season but I realized more than ever this year I can't keep doing that. It gets harder every year. My general health improves significantly from the walking and going low carb. So I'm going to try a bit harder this year not to regress after Elk season as I know my life all around will be better for it. I've learned I can go up almost any Mountain, just not fast. As to working out if your out of shape it's best to start slow and monitor your progress. I usually end up doing more than I should in the beginning which causes a set back when I bite more off than I can chew. I bought a Garmin Fenix 5 watch which helps me some and tracks my progress and connects via bluetooth to my phone. You don't really need it but it does keep up one's my heart rate, calories burnt, distance, speed and even draws a map of the route I walked.

You have a lot of time to train between now and next year but now is a great time to start.
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I hunted with my father until he was 79. Every year we would have to boost him on to a horse on the first day. By the end of the season he was getting on and off by himself and walking miles on roads and trails.

At 79 his wife convinced him he was old and shouldn't hunt any more. I watched him sleep in his chair for the next 10 years till he died. Without the drive to keep walking and riding he lost strength and balance and a reason to live. It's up to each of us to stay in shape and keep pushing on. Elk hunting is a very good reason to do that.

If you have maintained your physical therapy and are in reasonable shape there is no reason not to hunt.
I hunted with my father until he was 79. Every year we would have to boost him on to a horse on the first day. By the end of the season he was getting on and off by himself and walking miles on roads and trails.

At 79 his wife convinced him he was old and shouldn't hunt any more. I watched him sleep in his chair for the next 10 years till he died. Without the drive to keep walking and riding he lost strength and balance and a reason to live. It's up to each of us to stay in shape and keep pushing on. Elk hunting is a very good reason to do that.

If you have maintained your physical therapy and are in reasonable shape there is no reason not to hunt.
Exactly why I keep my dad going on trips he loves to hunt and isn’t 79 yet I think he’s 75 , kinda out of shape but it don’t stop him from going he still has the drive . He won’t get super far from the pickup or UTV , maybe 1/2 mile or so but seems to enjoy himself and that’s what it’s all about in my book
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