Early bird special


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2016
Had a easy one this morning. Snuck into 80 yards of two gobbling in the tree. A couple soft yelps and took this one about 45 seconds after he hit the ground. Man it’s nice to have a easy one every once in a while. They kicked my ass yesterday so now I’m home early and plan on taking it easy! EDF204EC-152A-45DB-BF44-53AAC00B6801.jpegA7A9CDAE-7793-4D6D-B3F8-827238525E1A.jpeg
Man I snuck into an area this morning I knew a big bird was roosting in. Got set up super early with hen decoy in his zone. It got a little light and the darn thing was on the roost 40 yards from me. He flew down perfectly just to my right at 6:30 started into my shooting lane and spotted that darn decoy and spooked off at 15 yards.😠😠
You are wearing them out this year. It's been tough I feel like numbers are down. This bird didn't make a peep on roost a hen was also to my left in a tree.
Man I snuck into an area this morning I knew a big bird was roosting in. Got set up super early with hen decoy in his zone. It got a little light and the darn thing was on the roost 40 yards from me. He flew down perfectly just to my right at 6:30 started into my shooting lane and spotted that darn decoy and spooked off at 15 yards.😠😠
You are wearing them out this year. It's been tough I feel like numbers are down. This bird didn't make a peep on roost a hen was also to my left in a tree.
It’s been a very strange year so far. I’ve heard several birds every morning but they have been hened up horrible. This morning was the hottest birds I’ve heard so far. Yesterday morning I completely blew it. Felt like a big dummy. I was set up with my decoys out in a field across from my house. As soon as the rain cleared out I heard one gobble behind me. I spun around and could see 3 coming from another field with a big drop in between us. Instead of taking the time to set back up good I just set beside the tree and as soon as the first one popped up at 40 yards he saw me and spooked. I knew I should have moved but just didn’t. Ain’t gonna lie it had me down lol
Just once I wish the flap flap strut boom playbook would apply to me.

I feel like Wrong Way Feldman (Gilligan’s Island reference) this season. I set up on the eastside of the field, they choose to strut west. I go west, there they go on the east and finally roost over there.
I love how frustrating turkeys are. I think that is part of the reason they get into your head so well. As such, it's almost maddening to have one of those easy ones, because it sets a sort of expectation that it CAN go according to plan. It's nice when it happens though.

Good work keeping at it despite how easy or hard they are, that is what makes you successful.