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I am sorry too Randy to hear of your loss.

On my every day driver coffee mug:

"There's an old saying.......that every hunter deserves at least one great hunting dog in his lifetime. So here's a drink to toast that one special dog in your hunting lifetime." Jack Douglas Mitchell 1992.

There aren't many mornings that I don't think back and remember my first Lab "Hobbes". I truly believe you don't find or train the best dogs, they find you and you learn as much if not more from them than they do from you. RIP Merle.
Sincerely, Kevin Wilmes.
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Randy sorry for your loss. One of lifes injustices, perhaps, and I have been hearing this a lot in the last six months from other hunters who have lost hunting dogs, is that dogs dont live as long as people. I have never hunted with a dog and since moving here to Montana, keep hearing what a great relationship that is. Glad you had so many years with yours.
Since I got the news earlier this week I've been digging through photos to see what I have. I found a couple, and I know that there are a handful of him as a puppy soon after I begged my dad to get him at the Ducks Unlimited banquet. I think they are buried on our ancient computer somewhere.

He was always happy and excited to see anyone, to bark at squirrels, slobber on your pants, harass the ducks at the dog pond, or endlessly chase his dummy around. His boundless enthusiasm was one of the things I loved best about him, even though he consistently wore me out. Spending time playing with him never failed to lift my spirits.


Going back home will never be quite the same again.
that has to be one of the hardest things a man can endure the loss of his hunting buddy..have you got another dog or getting a new puppy! The old house will sure seem empty for a while..
Condolences Randy. I hate reading these type of threads, but I always do. At the end of everyone of them I have a tear in my eye.

My 2 yellow labs are 10 and 8. The 10 year old could still pass for 3. The 8 year old can pass for about 8 or 9. He's got arthritis in his toes on his front paws.

I dread the day.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Randy, sorry for your loss. I'm on my 6th lab right now and one died when my kids were little. My daughter asked me why they live such a short life...I just responded "they are such great animals that God wanted us to have more than one". I'm sure Merle was very happy with his life and lived it to the fullest. Still, we love them so much it hurts. My condolences.
Sorry for your loss, I know how it is.
This is Cooper and Ruff Ruff. I lost Cooper at 14 and Ruff at 15, this still brings tears.

I lost Cooper at 14 and Ruff at 15, this still brings a tear.
I had the same experience a couple of years ago, as have a couple of friends, and the solution for it is to get back on the horse and get another dog. I have gone to the "dark side" my retriever-owning friends say, and now own a French Brittany because I am too damned old to be sprinting after a retriever that can run much faster than I can.
I hear they are still producing dogs, so get another one! I don't think your nose will do the job on pheasants!

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