Grand poopa
I read this and responded in another forum.......
their post was....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I read on another hunting forum about guys that hunt and don't like to eat their deer. This is one topic tht really pisses me off. I saw alot of these posts were from people back east. I have a problem with these slobs that kill a deer and then try and find someone to give it to. What is up with that?
I feel if you are going to hunt, you should at least be tolerant of the meat from your deer. Why shoot the damn thing if you are not going to use it? Don't get me wrong; I have no problem sharing my animal, but to just go out like these guys and shoot 2 or 3 deer which is legal back there, and try to find someone to take it makes me sick.
I would'nt hunt if I did'nt like deer meat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I responded with:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>HUMm.. BLAH BLAH BLAH..... look up hunter in the Dictionary....
1 a : a person who hunts game
I don't see the definition...
1.ONE who shots and EATS the animal he shoots...
WHY does someone have to eat everything he shoots....
YOU guys should watch what ya post... I see ya posting "IF YA SHOOT IF, BE PREPARED TO EAT IT"///... OK, I'm prepared to eat it but sometimes CHOOSE not to, Hunting is a right, EATING is a CHOICE........
Saying just becasue I kill something I need to eat it... HELL I usually eat bever before I shoot it.. CUZ I shure as heck won't eat it AFTER WARDS
GET real though... IF I wack 2 elk, 2 deer, a bear and whatever else, I have the right to give my meat away, Wife don't eat game and I like "HUNTING AND SHOOTING", JUST like I can BUY can goods and GIVE them away.. EITHER way the FOOD isn't wasted...... PULL your head's out your ARsh's and think about what you're typing....
Main Entry: 2waste
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): wast·ed; wast·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old North French waster, from Latin vastare, from vastus desolate, waste
Date: 13th century
transitive senses
1 : to lay waste; especially : to damage or destroy gradually and progressively <reclaiming land wasted by strip-mining>
2 : to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength : EMACIATE, ENFEEBLE
3 : to wear away or diminish gradually : CONSUME
4 a : to spend or use carelessly : SQUANDER b : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated
5 : KILL; also : to injure severely
intransitive senses
1 : to lose weight, strength, or vitality -- often used with away
2 a : to become diminished in bulk or substance b : to become consumed
3 : to spend money or consume property extravagantly or improvidently
synonym see RAVAGE
- waste one's breath : to accomplish nothing by speaking
LETS look at that last LINE I think some in here are donig just that !!!!
- waste one's breath : to accomplish nothing by speaking
[email protected] (FOR personal complaints)
NOW I want to hear your thoughts ?!?!?!?!
their post was....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I read on another hunting forum about guys that hunt and don't like to eat their deer. This is one topic tht really pisses me off. I saw alot of these posts were from people back east. I have a problem with these slobs that kill a deer and then try and find someone to give it to. What is up with that?
I feel if you are going to hunt, you should at least be tolerant of the meat from your deer. Why shoot the damn thing if you are not going to use it? Don't get me wrong; I have no problem sharing my animal, but to just go out like these guys and shoot 2 or 3 deer which is legal back there, and try to find someone to take it makes me sick.
I would'nt hunt if I did'nt like deer meat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I responded with:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>HUMm.. BLAH BLAH BLAH..... look up hunter in the Dictionary....
1 a : a person who hunts game
I don't see the definition...
1.ONE who shots and EATS the animal he shoots...
WHY does someone have to eat everything he shoots....
YOU guys should watch what ya post... I see ya posting "IF YA SHOOT IF, BE PREPARED TO EAT IT"///... OK, I'm prepared to eat it but sometimes CHOOSE not to, Hunting is a right, EATING is a CHOICE........
Saying just becasue I kill something I need to eat it... HELL I usually eat bever before I shoot it.. CUZ I shure as heck won't eat it AFTER WARDS
GET real though... IF I wack 2 elk, 2 deer, a bear and whatever else, I have the right to give my meat away, Wife don't eat game and I like "HUNTING AND SHOOTING", JUST like I can BUY can goods and GIVE them away.. EITHER way the FOOD isn't wasted...... PULL your head's out your ARsh's and think about what you're typing....
Main Entry: 2waste
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): wast·ed; wast·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old North French waster, from Latin vastare, from vastus desolate, waste
Date: 13th century
transitive senses
1 : to lay waste; especially : to damage or destroy gradually and progressively <reclaiming land wasted by strip-mining>
2 : to cause to shrink in physical bulk or strength : EMACIATE, ENFEEBLE
3 : to wear away or diminish gradually : CONSUME
4 a : to spend or use carelessly : SQUANDER b : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated
5 : KILL; also : to injure severely
intransitive senses
1 : to lose weight, strength, or vitality -- often used with away
2 a : to become diminished in bulk or substance b : to become consumed
3 : to spend money or consume property extravagantly or improvidently
synonym see RAVAGE
- waste one's breath : to accomplish nothing by speaking
LETS look at that last LINE I think some in here are donig just that !!!!
- waste one's breath : to accomplish nothing by speaking
[email protected] (FOR personal complaints)
NOW I want to hear your thoughts ?!?!?!?!