CO unit 76 elk bowhunt


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
western Colorado
Gonna call it what it is. Dumb luck!

Just now pulled CO unit 76 arcghery elk from the leftover licence list. Normally 7 pts for a resident to draw or 13 for a nonres.

Anyone with experience in the unit willing to PM me and share some ideas on hunting 76 as I use a whopping 4 days remaining to prepare for this hunt would be much appreciated!

Still in shock.:cool:

My god. I have been looking for that code the last couple weeks but didn't think one would get turned in. Congrats! I picked up a decent deer tag the first week off the leftover list but not a tag of that class. Glad to hear others having success getting great tags.
Don't have any experience with that unit other than reading a lot of really good success stories. Google that unit a lot will come up.

Incredibly 4 of these tags popped up at once. One of them
made it to the next 5 min update before being snapped up.
this new system is some B.S. if you ask me lol I don't mind the high points unit going to next in line but the random leftover list sucks...well not for you good luck!
Sounds like your good fortune will make for a fine thread....your hunts have always been among my favorites to read.
We live a few miles East of Unit 76. I've never hunted it, but have ridden & packed into the Weminuche Wilderness there. One thing I think folks from out of the area sometimes encounter when scouting via maps or Google Earth is this. Some of the popular trailheads that will be empty come hunting season were NOT empty during the Summer months. Some of them have many backpackers and horse/mule traffic on them, which obviously can make the game shy away from those areas sometimes. There's other portions of Unit 76 that had the 2013 fire go through and alter the landscape. Actually those areas may have some Elk in them now, as the grasses have kicked in have great feed. However, we've gotten a really wet Summer this year, and the grass is exceptionally good most everywhere this year. Wish I had a honey hole to recommend, but I don't. Maybe just try and get into an area where you can get up high and glass early & late, and see if you can spot a nice herd?
this new system is some B.S. if you ask me lol I don't mind the high points unit going to next in line but the random leftover list sucks...well not for you good luck!

Well, the tags did go to the next 5 in line - and they didn't bite, so they went up for grabs. Way better than last year.
Plus every returned tag that gets sold is $ to CPW they didn't ever see before 2016.

If they ask the legislature nicely. Every nickel paid to CPW for fees, licenses, classes, etc. goes to the state budget. Then CPW has to request its operating $$ for the year from the state legislature, through the regular annual budget process.
how is it possible that 4 of these were on the list when they take more than 5 points. id have a hard time believing that out of 5 guys none of them wanted the tag even with days before season. I'd also have a hard time believing 4 76 tags got turned in a week before season. they would have to give up all their points. Im confused
how is it possible that 4 of these were on the list when they take more than 5 points. id have a hard time believing that out of 5 guys none of them wanted the tag even with days before season. I'd also have a hard time believing 4 76 tags got turned in a week before season. they would have to give up all their points. Im confused

Keep in mind that tags don't go up on the reissue list immediately after they're turned in. They have to go through quite a bit of paperwork first and it does take some time. The tags can get turned in at a number of offices and they have to be processed and end up on the right desk in Denver. It's quite possible they were turned in right before the deadline to get your points back.

It is crazy to think that no one wanted the tag, though. Then again, it's a tag that takes a while to draw so it's entirely plausible that those people with the opportunity to take the tag haven't scouted it much at all. If I invested 6+ points in a tag I probably would want more than a weeks notice to plan out my hunt. Not sure how many guys have the kind of flexibility in their vacation schedule to take a bunch of time off with less than a months notice, either.

Regardless, pretty crazy. Wish I had the tag!
Randy, I am starting to get my wife to follow this belief slowly, but she is losing up to the idea that I stay out of trouble when I'm in the woods and I get my chores done quickly and efficiently. Thanks for your incite. Great to learn from your years of hunting. Appericate your tutelage.
yeah I got ya. The whole process is retarded. Those of us who have to work have a hard time looking at the list 50 times a day. If you are on days off mon. thru friday or don't have a job, you are at an advantage, you could check that thing every 5 minutes. I'm sure next year it will be a whole new process haha
OK thread hijackers, take your whining elsewhere. :hump:

Thos thread is asking for those with 76 experience, to reach out--if they want to.

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