Clumsy Footed Minutemaids Tripping Sensors to Border Patrol's Dismay


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Uh oh.... the Minutemaids are stumbling around and keeping the Border Patrol from chasing illegal aliens. How long til the Minutemaids just sit down in their lawn chairs and quit causing problems???

TOMBSTONE - Citizens who volunteered to patrol the Mexican border for illegal immigrants and smugglers are disrupting Border Patrol operations by tripping sensors that alert agents to possible illegal crossings, an agency spokesman said Monday.

Even though volunteers for the Minuteman Project were only beginning their regular, monthlong patrols Monday, they have unwittingly set off sensors during the past few days, forcing agents to respond to what essentially is a false alarm, said Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Jose Maheda.

"Every sensor has to be addressed," Maheda said. "It's taken away from our normal operations."

Volunteers who began arriving last week planned to start fanning out Monday across 23 miles of the San Pedro Valley to watch the border and report any illegal activity to federal agents, an exercise some law enforcement officials fear could lead to vigilante violence. Many of the Minuteman volunteers were recruited over the Internet and some plan to be armed.

The Border Patrol opposes the operation. "The possibility for something going drastically wrong is very high," Maheda said.
If the sensors work so well, and the Border Patrol checks out every tripped sensor, why are so many illegals getting through that area? The only reason I could see would be too few sensors.
propaganda to make them just look bad. Dont believe that they will make a difference. I will bet anyone this will be a record month for arresting felons crossing the border and felons aiding them.
I am betting this report is full of shit, it might be true but I wouldnt go blaming it only on the minute men, there are litterally 1000' of people that are out in that area hunting every year and the same thing happends. the ony thing is nothing is ever said.
They are just using this excuess like many to make it so when something does hapen the minute men will get into trouble...

the speaker for the border patrol is ignorant, Every sensor has to be addressed my ass. They dont check every sensor, and the ones they do check they check them a few miles away with spotting scopes and glass's, she really blew this one out of proportion just like you did.

So why dont you go and feed your dog or gas up your suv and quite wasting our time by posting your tipycle bullshit in SI

It seems funny to me that the "mainstream" media are a bunch of A-holes unless they mimic what you are saying. Then those guys really know what's going on. The "mainstream" are a bunch of liberals unless they back the conservatives. Then they "have just figured it out".

Maybe the media is simply reporting what they see. Could it be that the minutemen are causing a problem with the sensors? I don't doubt the media can slant anything but it goes both ways. I have read a few articles now and ALL official statements coming from the border patrol are against it. There are even quite a few locals who are "spooked" by what can happen with the minutemen and illegals. I'm not suprised by the A.C.L.U. but I am suprised GWB, Condi, the border patrol, McCain, and quite a few locals are adamantly against this organization and denounce them any chance they get.

I guess my question would be (outside the 250-1000 minutemen), how many officials want the minute there?

I think you're over-reacting just a wee bit and jumping in the middle of Gunner everytime he matter what he posts or what the source.

All he did was cut and paste an article...stating some censors are being set off by the minutemen.

I dont think he deserved this from you: "So why dont you go and feed your dog or gas up your suv and quite wasting our time by posting your tipycle bullshit in SI"

Rail the author all you want...but Gunner didnt write that, only passed on some information.

How is anyone supposed to understand whats going on down there? Wasnt the whole idea behind the minuteman project to shed light on the problems? Like it or not, you're going to hear all the good and all the bad...thats FAIR AND BALANCED news...
Buzz, his criticism was just in front of the article. Maybe you missed it? I don't see Gunner with any better solution to the problem. How can somebody not support the Minutemen, unless they also support illegals in this country?
Officials are out to keep their butts covered.

The Border Patrol:

1. is a Federal group - read under the control of either or both of the Executive (the President) and Legislative (approves their budget) branches. The President has made clear his position on illegal immigrants from Mexico, and it is not a tough one! McCain is an example of a Senator who plays both sides, kind of a Repucrat or Democan.
2. wants to protect its turf - it is their job to patrol the border and keep out the illegals. They are the professionals and cannot allow a bunch of amatures to come in and show them up.
3. wants to disavow any relationship with the Minute Men, just in case something goes wrong. (Cover their ass.)

So I would be surprised to see any official or unofficial comment by any Border Patrol staff member in support of the Minute Men. In fact, I would be surprised to see any Federal official speak out in favor of them, given the President's obvious position on the topic.
WH, I agree, I wonder how many SI posters even KNEW that there were sensors to set off down there???

Theres bound to be good reports, bad reports, and everything in-between...but the key is that there is at least REPORTING happening. Wasnt that the whole point of the minuteman project??? Draw attention to the problem...

I think you're over-reacting just a wee bit and jumping in the middle of Gunner everytime he matter what he posts or what the source
And you two don't??? That is one of your more hipicritical statements yet...
I am betting there will be some thing of little use coming from you in answer to this post... Or is a little jelousy setting in, some one else is using your own banter against you? :) Heaven forbid... :)
WH, I would guess that if the sensors are set off, the border patrol looks into it, no matter who sets them off. If they dont, why have them at all?

That could be a problem that reduces the efficiency (if there is any) in how the border patrol conducts business. If they have to check into sensors being set off by minutemen, they cant be chasing illegals.

I think Cali is right on about this issue.

The minutemen arent going to do any good on the illegal issue when GW Shrub wont make any real effort to stop it. He's openly slammed the minutemen and is in a pretty large state of denial about the whole issue.

One of the things that I heard MANY republicans harping about was how Kerry would not keep our country secure from terrorism. "GW, he'll protect us!!!" was the battle cry from the Republicans.

I hope they now realize they had the wool pulled over their eyes by Shrub on this issue as well as many other key issues. The borders ARE NOT secure, illegals are flooding over he border, and Shrub has done NOTHING but hire a few hundred more border patrol agents to address the issue.

Good thing I can now sleep better at night knowing Shrub has kept me safe from terrorism and has curbed people illegally entering the U.S.

I cant help but say "I told you so"...apparently homeland security is really high on Shrubs list of protecting the U.S....what a joke.
I dont think he deserved this from you: "So why dont you go and feed your dog or gas up your suv and quite wasting our time by posting your tipycle bullshit in SI"

Buzz I just figured I would ride his ass like he does everyone else.


TOMBSTONE - With training completed, Minutemen dispersed to their watch locations along the Arizona border with Mexico. This top flight group of Citizens who volunteered to patrol the Mexican border for illegal immigrants and smugglers are a well trained defense against possible terrorists, drug runners, and landscapers.
Try and stay on topic, don't just follow me around, enfatuated. No, it is not a self-portrait, and it doesn't matter, as I am not your type. I would think that Hunting Boards are lousy places for you to try and pick up people for your deviant trysts.

Is it now ok for people to follow others around taking swipes at them?

Nobody was adressing you, nobody cares about your opinion, as you don't have one on the topics of these threads. Please be quiet until we need instructions on digging holes in the ground, beastiality, necrophillia, or one of the other limited subjects you have experience in.
Is it now ok for people to follow others around taking swipes at them?

Aparently so, you been doing it for the last 3-6 months and getting away with it, so why not...

Too bad you couldnt take it on your own and grow up., so now some people will stoop to your level.

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