Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Catfishing the MS & AR Rivers


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
I got the chance to run up to Lake Merrisach, which is where the White River and the Arkansas River converge with the Mississippi River to attend a gathering of Catfish fanatics. We had great get togethers around campfires and also had a Sketti Supper with all kind of good stuff to drink. I took a couple of quart jars made by Junior Johnson everyone just had to taste! (Moonshine) LOL.
The first morning we ran 10 miles on the White River to the MS to fish. The current was pretty fast and they were expecting a 13' rise later on.......I think once you got anchored you could have Skied behind the stopped boat. Barge traffic was not a problem as the Tugs going upstream didn't move fast enough to wash us down and the traffic coming down had to just maintain to keep themselves moving on by. I was glad of that, they can really mess with ya some times. The MS only gave up a couple of fish for my buddy Wes and I, others who knew what holes to fish did better of course.
We fished Sunday at the Dam and Hydro Plant on the Arkansas River. We fished with Skipjack and some regular herring on 9/0 hooks with 12 oz. weights to get it down and hold it. We came back with 16 real nice cats. I hope to make a trip back up there before it gets too hot. I took Pictures, but I can only get one to upload. Here it are! John
Looks like some good eats! Congrats on all of the fun. Do I see two or three different types of cats?
A little hot peanut oil and a couple cold ones.................... And you would be set John.

Looks like you had fun, Congrats.
WOW! Looks to be one heck of a time!

Grats and thanks for the pics. :)
I'll bring the tartar sauce and cole slaw John.

...any :"Bubba, watch this" stories?
Awesome! Love catching and eating cats, looks like I'd fit right in with you guys. Not very many on my side of the state though only get a whack at 'em a couple times a year.
Nice catch, perfect eatin size. Do you find that the blues taste just a little better? Not that's there's anything wrong with those clean channels.
Very nice, congrats! I'd love to try a 'serious' catfish trip sometime. I very rarely target them, but they are super fun to catch when you get on them and towards the top as table fare IMO. Well done.

With a camo boat like that, my 5yo things you should be fishing for gators!

Choot 'em Draft! CHOOT!
Very nice, congrats! I'd love to try a 'serious' catfish trip sometime. I very rarely target them, but they are super fun to catch when you get on them and towards the top as table fare IMO. Well done.

With a camo boat like that, my 5yo things you should be fishing for gators!

Choot 'em Draft! CHOOT!

We will be putting in for Gators in I think September! LOL I find they all taste good and especially when the water is cold as it was in the Arkansas, 48 degrees. John
We will be putting in for Gators in I think September! LOL I find they all taste good and especially when the water is cold as it was in the Arkansas, 48 degrees. John

Will you be taking you other elk buddy (John) as gator bait?:)
Will you be taking you other elk buddy (John) as gator bait?:)

Good Idea! LOL His whining should attract them. I just wanted to tell ya'll about one of the wierd things on the MS River. Wes and I were anchoring up when I heard a big splash, I turned to see the wake of something, but I didn't know what. I looked up on the bank to see if somebody was throwing big rocks at us when a Asian Carp comes flying out of the air past my end of the boat! Wes and I knew they were in there, but had never seen them until then. Those are some BIG fish rockets! John
We will be putting in for Gators in I think September! LOL I find they all taste good and especially when the water is cold as it was in the Arkansas, 48 degrees. John
Good luck in the draw! I would love to show him some pics from someone I "know". He'd get a kick out of that.

I hear you on the cold water being good for making catfish better eats. I caught LOTS of small channels out of the cooling lake of a powerplant. Part of the lake never gets below 70ish degrees. I quit keeping them as they were so mushy...

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