Can We have a Good informative Post without dickheads ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Just wondering.......

Greenhorn, who I regard as one of the best Hunters I know posted some Good info up there and all of you self Rightious Pricks had to piss on each other in his post so It was nuked, Thanx Dickheads. truely...:rolleyes:

Anyway, with that said, Does anyone want to add to this post on how they score a Bull Elk ? We've talked alot about it last year and I can Bump old topcs but since we have so many great scorers on this board we should post a picture of a Bull we know the score of and what we think the score is. Unlike you guys I'll claim I don't know Jack about scoreing still and I still have alot of room to learn.

AZ402, I'm sure you have a picture of a bull i the 300's that yo haven't posted yet? I'd love to see one from 300-360 and get to score it. anyone can post the picture.....

Thanx in advance.

I didn't see this indignation when ol' greeny pulled the same stunt in other sections of the board...

So what makes it different?
I'm betting you haven't noticed that I haven't started it with any one since about 2002 Tim...

It just pisses people off that I won't let any of these guys who piss in every one elses cheerios off the hook...

Take your pick

Take your pick

Go back into the archives if you want to know the truth and see what perpetrated my attacks on others... and only a select few at that...

Heavens knows I've left a lot of evidence...

Or is it you have never paid that close attention to the timeline of the events which have taken place over the years... :rolleyes:
Just wondering.......

AZ402, I'm sure you have a picture of a bull i the 300's that yo haven't posted yet? I'd love to see one from 300-360 and get to score it. anyone can post the picture.....

Thanx in advance.

I don't have time right now but I'll post later some of the ways I use to score bulls in the field, videos and pics..........Stay out of this thread dickheads;)
You've never started any thing Az...

So gives me no reason to start...

Eh there dickhead... :eek: :D
Here's one. Buzz and Greeny know the score, so they can't guess.



Hey Cheese, Maybe because when I ask them to shut the #*^@#* up they listen? First post out of the Shoot in a post I specifically ask not to be messed with... Un friggin Believable !! You're worse then the corperal at times.

Anyway, Oak, thanx for the Post. Just curious if you threw a Guess at him before you dumped him ? Or did you jsut know it was a good bull ?

Hell....... I will be the first moron to throw out a bogus score. I see about 330 2/8" of horn there. DID I WIN????
I set a "minimum" goal before the hunt. I thought this bull would just make the "minimum". He did, but not by much. :D
I'll try.

Left Right (Same) :D
Main Beam: 53"

G1: 15"
G2: 13"
G3: 10"
G4: 16"
G5: 8"

Total: 62x2=124"

Total Mass: 50"

Total antler:
Greatest inside width:43"
around the 330" ?

Just looking at it I would have said 345-350 though. Both guss's are probably off, but thats how I got it. Will be good to go back and see the score.
Just wondering.......

Greenhorn, who I regard as one of the best Hunters I know posted some Good info up there and all of you self Rightious Pricks had to piss on each other in his post so It was nuked, Thanx Dickheads. truely...

You asked a question, I answered, I figured that was what you wanted

I didn't see this indignation when ol' greeny pulled the same stunt in other sections of the board...

I know posted some Good info up there and all of you self Rightious Pricks

Again, I didn't touch his thread and never have before nor had I any intention to do so until...

I suppose if it upset you that much...

Here is my guess. Again nice bull Oak.

Left Right
MB: 45" 45"
G1: 15" 16"
G2: 13" 12"
G3: 12" 13"
G4: 16" 16"
G5: 8" 9"

Total: 109+111 = 220"

Total Mass: 58"

Total antler:
Greatest inside width:40"
Gross scores 318"
I have one that looks similar except slightly smaller, using mine as a reference and adding a few for 'yours is bigger' I come up with 319.
I would be happy to see it anywhere I hunt.

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