Can someone find me a deer?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Picked up a whitey doe tag ang figured I would fill today.

Good thing I took the pup, he found dinner in the deep snow.

I was out looking for a ducks and a white tail doe, but all I found was a lot of hard water and some kamee-kaazi mulies.

Still, it was another great day in paradise.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-31-2003 23:43: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
Nice pics mt!!!! Althought they are not helping me. I think I'm having some kind of withdrawal, not being able to go elk hunting this year.
Keep them coming. don
I don't think you need any help to find you a deer from anyone here. You seem to anchor them just fine.

Great pics!
Nice pics! How much white stuff did you guys get? North of here around Bear Lake got 11" in the valley. May have to start checking some of the winter range to see what made it through the season.
Thanks guys. I should be out there today, but Trick-or-Drinking got the best of me last night.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How much white stuff did you guys get?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Only have a couple on the ground here at the house, but thirty miles south there was over a foot.

I hope to fill the whitetail doe tag this week and then go after a mulie doe around Thanksgiving. The bucks should be rutting hard and it may give me some information of what may be available for next year.
Awesome pics mt. Man what I wouldn't give to be there than here in the Middle East about this time of year. You live the life bud.

Happy trails