camp pics

hey dave , trent and bruce,just got back from bow hunting,me and my buddy went to watch a few clover field,see a doe coming in,and my buddy saw a big fat skunk in the field,first night out so at least we broke the ice,another 6 1/2 weeks to go :cool: catch you guys later :)
Now that I have figured out how to add photos to posts, I can send some as they come. This photo is my son, I had taken him and my father for a drive on saturday to an area I had never been before. My son runs heavy equipment with a wood contractor. The area we toured was an area he had worked at, but his shift being 9pm to 5am he hadn't seen much of the country due to darkness. He did see game after dark though. We saw a couple of deer, but they didn't hang around to get their picture taken. Photo is of his first bird this year. We have a little competion going on who gets more birds in a season. The little brat has been beating me the last couple of years. But I always get him on the deer. Just rambling on, talk later guys.


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:evilgrin: Nice pics for the first time dave , I love that moose pic . makes me drool I just hope that I don't get confuse on the difference between a deer and a moose this hunting season :evilgrin . Now that you can post pics then you got know excuse not to get some pics. how about a pic of that wood stove :D well I got to call it a night so have a good one and it was nice chatting to you ben tonight. later
Man the weather up here sucks. I could not go out at the first of the week as my truck was in the shop. Now that I have it back it is suppose to rain all weekend and this being my first year hunting bow I don't want to wound one and have it die and I can not find it due to the lose of the blood trail in the rain. This stinks.
you got time

Relax bruce you got plenty of time for archery hump , mean while I have some pics to hold you guys over til the weather subsize :D


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pass pics

these are the last few days out for my morning walk.


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more pics

I see alot of bucks lately playing around testing each other in a pushing match.


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sorry about the quality in the pics , I don't have the tri pod in the morning when I go out.


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last pics

that snake was in the middle of the shop floor this morning , and these last pics are from last night (thursday) when I had the pod set up.


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by the way if you look at the pics you know that it is not true that the deer here are smaller. I pa they mite be but not here in my part of ny.
derr seem nice and fat to me,i think its more in the lower states that deer are smaller[in weight]seen deer all week,no bucks buddy shot one last night,and like bruce said,in the luck finding him.seems it was not a fatal shot,the arrow went right true,had some fat on the fletching,hopefuly he will live to give us another shot,i went tonight seen one giving me the flag trough the thickets,dont know if it was a he or she.nice pictures dave i see you have alot of class as you are driving a ford,keep the pictures coming,i will try to get a few for you guys,latter all
Well I did get out for a while tonight but saw nothing. Still it was a very nice evening in the woods. gotta love that. Acording to intellicast this weekend looks like a wash as there is one bad storm comming. Ow well what can you do. I also managed to lose the cap to my pin light on my new sight. That sucked but I don't think I need it anyway. Take it easy out there folks and good luck to you all.
good luck to you bruce,seems like rain all weekend in moncton also,i think me and the wife may go see a movie this afternoon,trent must be out shooting pictures again,and dave it must be too wet for bird hunting today also.dinners ready so later all
not shooting a thing here either the weather is wet and yucky.So befor I go to work I got a few things done here. While the wife is out at work I got the laundry done and the carpet clean and just finish the dishes.I just look out the window and it is raining hard. better now then next weekend which I look forward to getting here. Not as much as for deer hunting but more then the fact I got the weekend off for a change.Well speaking of dinner the going to be home at 1:30 so I think I will go and meet her at work and get a sub to bring home for our tummy. later guys and have a good weekend with your wife and family.
Happy Thanksgiving guys! Wet and miserable for hunting here. My son and I went for a long drive yesterday, all we saw on the drive was 2 birds. However did get one, but you know, it was so small I think it still had some yolk and egg shells on it, ha! Today's a family day, dinner and all, but tomorrow's a hunting day and hopefully a dry one. Have a great holiday, and good hunting. Sorry to you Trent, on the States not celebrating Thanksgiving at this time, but you get to make up for it later. Talk to ya's later.
It is finialy down to a light drizzle here and I hope it is even going to slow down more latter so I may get out after all. I can hope can't I.
Ben did you guys ever find that hit deer? Good luck on the rest fo the years hunt.

It is now 8:13 pm and it did not let up enough for me to go out today. |oo |oo Is it bad for a growin man to cry over not getting his own way when it involves hunting? :eek: :BLEEP:
No No Sign Of That Deer And No Crows Flying In Circles So Hopefuly He Will Have Made It,i Went Tonight After The Rain,man What A Beautiful Night It Was,did Not See Anything But The Birds Were Singing And Peace And Quiet Was Nice,will Go Again Tommorow See You Guys

Ben did you say no sign , hum speaking of sign here one for you guys I got from last night.


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Not sure what happen to that tree , think a rabbit got realy hungry.I for got to tell you dave that this past monday I was out to the daughters place and didn't take my vid with me and across the field was to turkeys. Friend here was with me and I was pissed and to make it even worse I call out by *Cluck cluck cluck* and didn't those SOB started walking for us . I said lets get the hell out of here.Any ways dinner is done so i'm out of here,later.

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