Kenetrek Boots

California elk


New member
Dec 23, 2000
For those of you who reside in the peoples republic of Kalifornia, and want to be unsucsessful in the residents elk drawing, better get those app.s in the mail soon. They are due in Sacratomato, by mail, by 6-2-06.
I highly recommend you do NOT apply for the Shasta, any weapon hunt. My odds are already about 100 to 1, and I don't need you messing it up any further.
good luck, commrad
100 to 1, damn I wish I had those odds. To hunt my backyard w/ max points is roughly 410 to 1. Those odds suck big time. If those odds were attached to a racehorse it would only have three legs, one blind eye and Butterbean as the jockey.
If your in the max point pool, the odds are going to get better and better. I think in three or four years, some of us are going to get a chance to hunt Calif elk !
All I want is one of those Tule elk... but you do not let non-residents hunt them...

Going to have to find a landowner that will sell me a tag.
I'll spend the money finishing my Carabou slam first, then deal with the Tule elk hunt, found a place for $7000but it was 2 days after I sent in the deposit for Mt. Carabou this year.

Maybe next year.
I feel for you guys. I am waiting for my SECOND Tule elk tag!!! I drew last year and shot this beauty. Good luck to everyone in the draw. Ed F

I followed Ed (lurked) on another site and know the time he spent preseason on his and help from friends does pay off if one can covert one of these tule tags!! Congrats again BOWHUNTR on a beauty! hump
Bowuntr, that is one fine looking Tule, congratulations.

Look out Moosie, we're talking hunting again
For nochawk and others

Arnie signs California SB1032

This was signed 9/29. It is for both elk and antelope.

This bill would authorize any person generally, without regard to
residency, to obtain an antelope or elk license tag if certain
requirements are met. The bill would also require the commission on
or before July 1, 2007, and by regulation, to fix the antelope
license tag fee for a nonresident of the state at not less than $350
and to fix the elk license tag fee for a nonresident of the state at
not less than $1050. The bill would limit the number of tags issued
annually to nonresidents to one antelope tag and one elk tag.

So it looks like you can "try" to add that Tule bull to the collection....I'm only 0-18 years applying though ;) ....oh, and 0-16 for antelope :D
well I'll be---Marv--your elk drawing success is almost like mine---on antelope I'm just buying points until I decide I really want to go for one---I'd rather get that ram or elk first---yes I'm a dreamer-----chris
Yeah Chris....if I don't "want" to be drawn, then I apply for Grizzly Bull.
If I want a lottery-esk kind of chance I put in for Big Lagoon or Del Norte.

Lassen/Likley for the goats, just me and a couple thousand of my best friends ;)

...gotta love the odds out here eh? Figure if I ever draw (it's jsut the principle of it now- it's cheaper to hunt goats out of state) then I'm done as the way they do the preference makes it about a once-in-a-lifetime tag.
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