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Bush Vows Extinction of Salmon in My Private Idaho

Colorado Cub,

Are you going to college? You sure aren't very bright for a college boy. Pretty obvious the educational system is going to pot, literally. I'll let you in on a little secret. Sometimes I ask questions that I already know the answer to. As for the loss of electricity, that is only one little concern in this whole issue. Can your pea brain comprehend that? I was only harping on it to point out what hypocrites those that are in favor of breaching are. Get it?

I don't think you understood my last question. If breaching THE FOUR SNAKE RIVER DAMS doesn't not cure the problem what will you do next? Same question for the rest of the Freinds of Dam Breaching. Not one of you have answered this question. Who's the politicians on this one? Certainly not Bush, he's not afraid to let you know where he stands.


Your going to have to spend the time to explain to me why dam breaching is necessary to save the salmon. Without my support and the majority of voters who feel the same way I do, you have zero chance for breaching to proceed. Please ellaborate on the press release I provided. What parts do you disagree with, and what information do you have to back up you opinion?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-26-2003 18:59: Message edited by: BigHornyRam ]</font>
If I'm not mistaken Salmon return to their spawning grounds 4-6 years after birth. So what is removing a dam 50-100 years after it was built going to do? All the salmon that ran that river are long gone. If you want salmon move to your own private Alaska.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Pretty obvious the educational system is going to pot <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>As Garfield the cat would say, "I resemble that remark!"

If we can keep the salmon runs 'alive' with hatchery raised salmon, does it matter if the dams are breached? They have a finite 'lifetime' of usefullness, in the end ol' Ma Nature will see that they are breached.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-26-2003 20:26: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Paul, for such a self proclaimed know-it-all, you sure seem unable to comprehend or research any of these issues.

You honestly think that dam breaching will be held up because paul isnt convinced?

Your pretty full of yourself, I'll give you that.

ALL the tedious and meaningless "problems" that you can dream up have been addressed. Pick a problem on your list, do some research and you'll find the solution. EG, Ithaca, and I have addressed every one of your idiotic make believe issues...

I guess you're just bitter because deep-down you know a couple things:

1. You're wrong about the issue

2. You know the dams will fall, with support from the NW states that are the most effected by loss of anadromous fish runs.

You can continue to carry on with your childish remarks all you want, but it wont change the facts Paul.

As per usual you havent given a single solution to the problem, you only grudgingly admit a problem even exists.

Read the PATH report, do yourself a favor.

Of course you will disagree with it, you've left yourself no room to wiggle out.

But, please keep in mind that there are over 200 leading experts who contributed to that report, and they all drew the same conclusion. You know more than them Paul? Driving nails in boards qualifies you over them?

I'll put my faith in them over a self proclaimed wood butcher any day.

Carefree, you obviously dont know much about anadromous fish in Idaho or anywhere else for that matter. Their resiliance is unbelievable to say the least. Despite our best efforts to completely wipe them out of the Columbia System, they've managed to survive...and it isnt from anything we've done to help them. By the way, those runs arent gone, neither is their habitat. We just have to get them to the ocean and get them back to the spawning way to do that is with free-flowing rivers.

Your wrong! If the socialist that visit this site want to fish for salmon, they should move to their own private British Columbia. I understand they have free medical care there, even for dead beats.

bigphoneyram, please explain how wanting salmon numbers to be at levels to keep them off the ESA, and save the tax payers billions is socialist?

Heres to socialism! Long live the wild salmon and Steelhead of Idaho!

Buzz Boy,

I guess you want to be like AL Gore and not answer my question, you've answered it close enough anyway. So just like Al Gore, get used to being a LOSER!


Talk about someone that doesn't answer questions, you are the one that won't answer questions.

When are you going to provide us with your analysis of the data provided by Buzz'? You know, where you were going to show that the Salmon runs are as healthy now as they were 35 years ago?

And when are you going to answer the question I asked about what of MY information was inaccurate, with respect to the Wild sheep in MT breeding the domestic sheep, and the FNAWS paying off the rancher? Remember, you said I had "inaccurate information.."?

Paul, I think Chess would be as unproductive as you debating Salmon issues, with no knowledge of the facts (or the game).
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