Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bundy headed to Montana

America Lands Council run by Fielder and now Bundy rallying in Montana, too. Maybe the migration from Utah is beginning.

Hopefully if we give them enough rope they'll hang themselves for good.
I’d love to hear about the reception you Montana folks would give him. I imagine body-slamming would soon be declared the state pastime.
Not welcome! Stay the Flying Flock out. Not much more to say...
He’s going where the crazy people live, how many loons show up to support him is the question.
Going to be a lot of flies on this pile of... Let cliven talk, this loon is his own worst enemy, I'm interested in what politicians show up. I'll be surprised if Rosendale can stay away.
Our very own Theresa Manzella (R) HD85 in a quote "wouldn't miss the event for the world."

I'm amazed she keeps getting elected.
He’s going where the crazy people live, how many loons show up to support him is the question.

Not sure how many that support him will show up, but BHA is hoping more folks who don't support him will show up....

The struggle for the future of our public lands and waters continues – and is coming to western Montana.

This Saturday, Jan. 20, noted public lands adversary Cliven Bundy will be speaking at an anti-public lands gathering in Paradise. Following the dismissal of federal charges against Bundy, his sons and a supporter, these individuals recently walked free. Bundy has made no secret of his plans to continue undermining our American system of public lands. His appearance in Paradise is an attempt to advance his noxious agenda.

It's up to Backcountry Hunters & Anglers to show up and send a clear message: Montana sportsmen and women are standing up for our public lands.

This Saturday, January 20th 5-9pm
Old Paradise School Gym
2 Schoolhouse Hill Rd
Paradise, MT 59856

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers encourages BHA members to attend this public meeting ready to voice displeasure with Bundy and his supporters. Members are encouraged to wear their Public Land Owner and Keep It Public shirts and hats. Please RSVP here or by emailing us.

Not in our state. Not on our watch.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

RSVP link is here:https://www.facebook.com/events/166913054036077/ or email [email protected]
He’s going where the crazy people live, how many loons show up to support him is the question.

Other crazy people came from all over the west to support him in his endeavor against the BLM, and there were a lot of them.

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