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Brokered convention won by Kasich


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2016
Sorry, another political thread.

Okay, let's imagine trump doesn't get the delegates necessary to secure nomination (very possible). Republicans decide to have a brokered convention. Party insiders hate trump and Cruz. They decide that Florida isn't crazy about rubio but Ohio still likes Kasich. They choose Kasich. Sure he's pretty milquetoast but so far he hasn't seemed interested in federal land sell-off and looks like a reliable moderate.

Thoughts on Kasich vs Clinton/Sanders?
They won't do that unless they would rather have Hillary win. If Trump doesn't get the nomination he'll run anyway. So Kasich and Trump would split the Republican votes and guarantee Hillary the win.

I do wonder about a Trump/Kasich ticket. Seems that would be a good combination. Although I doubt Kasich would go for it.
I think he'd have the best chance to carry the big states that are needed to be elected and what you have mentioned may well happen. If Trump wins the nomination, it's a win win for him even he he loses to Hillary!
Rubio drops out prior to Florida. He would be wise to not have the votes counted in the Florida primary if he wants to be governor of Florida then reset to run for President in 8, 12, etc years. He is young. He is not going to rise in the polls nor win enough votes to pull ahead or Cruz much less Trump prior to the convention.

Rubio exiting will put incredible pressure on Kasich to drop out prior to Ohio since pressure will be for Cruz and Trump to duke it out. Kasich is not a young man so he may stay in for a bit of spotlight but his donations will dry up so he will not be able to advertise or pay staff very soon.

No way in a two-person race that another person gets the nod. Rules say you need 8 state wins to be a candidate. Only Trump qualifies at this moment and Cruz will soon be eligible. Rubio and Kasich will not qualify. Trump will have more earned delegates as the convention is called to order.

Clinton has this wrapped up vs. Sanders. Sanders raised more money the last 2 months yet does not matter. Super delegates are lining up for Clinton so Sanders would have to win about 80% of remaining delegates at this point. Not likely even if Clinton was to get indicted.

I think Clinton wins the General election even if runs while indicted. The GOP is again unable to convince non-white males they are not anti-women and anti-immigrant (aka minorities). Perhaps a serious security incident will make voters want to elect a man but otherwise Clinton is on track to be the first woman elected President.
If Kasich is the sole GOP nomination, that will mean more media coverage and air time. Which is something I think he desperately needs to win anything. It's hard to be heard over the loud mouths of Trump and Cruz.
I can't believe he's even thinking about that. He wasn't real popular in the Republican party to begin with, hence his loss to Obama in 2012.

If he starts messing with things now, people are going to be so pissed that Hillary will win in a landslide.

He's attained godfather status with the establishment. And the establishment still doesn't get why they are losing so badly. So I can see it happening.
He's attained godfather status with the establishment. And the establishment still doesn't get why they are losing so badly. So I can see it happening.

And why are they losing so badly? I mean that in two ways:
1) GOP control of legislative branch, governorships, and many gains in state governments would suggest they aren't losing elections.
2) But if you mean losing the confidence of the people due to poor governance then I'd like to know what you think the GOP has done a poor job of doing. What do you think Trump will do to "Make America Great." Or more importantly, what do people want him to do to make America great?
Kasich is a moderate so I could see him and Trump together.Establishment is way out of touch thinking issues like abortion really matter.They thought they could rid themselves of Trump with his change of sides from 20 yrs ago.I'm sure that issue means a lot to some voters but very few.I think Kasich would do well if he was heard more.I'm more of a moderate as is over half republican voters.But they want party to follow far right views.Pulling nomination away from Trump will be a HUGE mistake.They'd be better off letting Trump win and have him run with a popular establishment candidate then try and impeach him if he gets in office.I thinkTrump is smarter then that though.The face off between him and Hillary will be very close.I still think trump wins that though.As usual lately, it will come down to Ohio,Florida and possibly Pa.The Ohio vote would 100% go to trump if Kasich was his running mate.I believe florida too_Or he might want Carson to lose the racist image the news is trying to pin on him
I don't see them taking the election away from him though in primaries,unlike Sanders is dealing with.But you hear nothing about that.That does show just how easy Hillary is to beat.First a no one named Obama did it 8 years ago,and now Bernie sanders is pretty much neck and neck in popular vote.Hillary will NOT have an easy road to white house,but hopefully the big house where she belongs
And why are they losing so badly? I mean that in two ways:
1) GOP control of legislative branch, governorships, and many gains in state governments would suggest they aren't losing elections.
2) But if you mean losing the confidence of the people due to poor governance then I'd like to know what you think the GOP has done a poor job of doing. What do you think Trump will do to "Make America Great." Or more importantly, what do people want him to do to make America great?

1.) Losing control of this election. The horse is out of the barn, and the barn's on fire. There is also a strong likelihood of losing the senate if Trump or Cruz are the nominee.

2.) I don't think Trump will make America great again. America never stopped being great. We've just believed our own press for too long. As far as what the GOP has done to lose the trust of the people: 8 years of obfuscation rather than compromise is a great start. Transfer of public lands is another big one. They've been unable to pass a budget that was singable by a sitting president who was elected twice with the popular vote and they've spent considerable time acting like 8 year olds who believe holding your breath is a system of governance.

But other than that, not much.
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1.) Losing control of this election. The horse is out of the barn, and the barn's on fire. There is also a strong likelihood of losing the senate if Trump or Cruz are the nominee.

2.) I don't think Trump will make America great again. America never stopped being great. We've just believed our own press for too long. As far as what the GOP has done to lose the trust of the people: 8 years of obfuscation rather than compromise is a great start. Transfer of public lands is another big one. They've been unable to pass a budget that was singable by a sitting president who was elected twice with the popular vote and they've spent considerable time acting like 8 year olds who believe holding your breath is a system of governance.

But other than that, not much.

We are certainly a great country. People literally die each day trying to sneak in here.

I think we have peaked in our maximum world influence with China on a trajectory to be the world leader at some point in next couple of generations. We will most likely assume the role Britain had when a younger America surpassed their world influence. We will be important yet just not the most important.

Are we are great as when in the 1950s a union auto industry worker could buy a home, a car and pay cash to put two kids through college? Retirement fund values have been flat for about 15 years and home values are about where they were 15 years ago. Wages have been flat for over a decade. Under-employment is significant and unwanted early-retirement has taken people out of the unemployment numbers so looks better now but is an issue.

Only about 50% of the U.S. has active earned income. The middle class has shrunk as a percentage of the population and wealth is more concentrated in the top 1% of wealthiest families.

We have a higher percent of people incarcerated now than a decade ago.

Sure, we are great. Are we as great as we once were? I am not so certain.
Great points. Thanks guys! I agree with a lot of what you said. Abortion, gay marriage, etc. are dead issues. I'm pro-life but just don't think the political battle is there. I may not agree with homosexuality but they deserve equal protection/benefits. Move on.

I believe in keeping taxes low. I believe in promoting business and growth. I believe in the free movement of capital, labor, and goods for the prosperity of mankind. I don't believe tariffs and economic protectionism are the way to do that. Secure border: good. Immigration: also good.

Not all of us can afford to buy only American made goods. I do when it makes sense, but I'm glad I don't have to spend $100-$200 for every pair of pants I buy.

So with Trump I don't like his economic proposals, although we have no reason to believe anything he says since he has been pretty open about making it up as he goes along. But yeah, at least he says the right things when it comes to public lands.
Great points. Thanks guys! I agree with a lot of what you said. Abortion, gay marriage, etc. are dead issues. I'm pro-life but just don't think the political battle is there. I may not agree with homosexuality but they deserve equal protection/benefits. Move on.

I believe in keeping taxes low. I believe in promoting business and growth. I believe in the free movement of capital, labor, and goods for the prosperity of mankind. I don't believe tariffs and economic protectionism are the way to do that. Secure border: good. Immigration: also good.

Not all of us can afford to buy only American made goods. I do when it makes sense, but I'm glad I don't have to spend $100-$200 for every pair of pants I buy.

So with Trump I don't like his economic proposals, although we have no reason to believe anything he says since he has been pretty open about making it up as he goes along. But yeah, at least he says the right things when it comes to public lands.

You say we have no reason to believe anything Trump says, but aren't you contradicting yourself by then believing him when it comes to what he says about public lands? Please let me know if I'm missing something.
I don't think Obama won the popular vote last time around.He won enough electoral votes but not the popular vote;big difference
And the republicans have stopped his left wing bills for good reason.THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO JUST THAT.I'd be happy to see them work together,but Hillary and Bernie are both far left.Trump and Kasick are the only moderates in the race.Bill did an OK job in office because he moved to center.Hillary is a far different beast
You say we have no reason to believe anything Trump says, but aren't you contradicting yourself by then believing him when it comes to what he says about public lands? Please let me know if I'm missing something.

Well I italicized the word "says" indicating I didn't trust him on that either. But the other GOP candidates don't even say they want to keep public lands. So it's still better, maybe.
We are certainly a great country. People literally die each day trying to sneak in here.

I think we have peaked in our maximum world influence with China on a trajectory to be the world leader at some point in next couple of generations. We will most likely assume the role Britain had when a younger America surpassed their world influence. We will be important yet just not the most important.

Are we are great as when in the 1950s a union auto industry worker could buy a home, a car and pay cash to put two kids through college? Retirement fund values have been flat for about 15 years and home values are about where they were 15 years ago. Wages have been flat for over a decade. Under-employment is significant and unwanted early-retirement has taken people out of the unemployment numbers so looks better now but is an issue.

Only about 50% of the U.S. has active earned income. The middle class has shrunk as a percentage of the population and wealth is more concentrated in the top 1% of wealthiest families.

We have a higher percent of people incarcerated now than a decade ago.

Sure, we are great. Are we as great as we once were? I am not so certain.

Somebody is feeling the Bern.

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