Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

It will be interesting to see if SCOTUS upholds the 9th circuit ruling that determined it violates the 8th amendment (cruel and unusual punishment) to ticket homeless people for sleeping outside. This article makes it seem they will overturn that ruling, at which point I would expect Bozeman to crack down on the homeless.

The ones really sleeping outside i can understand..
A land setting with RV platforms and utilities operated with professional cleanliness in mind would be a $ maker or so it seems...
A land setting with RV platforms and utilities operated with professional cleanliness in mind would be a $ maker or so it seems...
I feel like there’s something out there that already exists… I can’t quite recall. Starts with a “K” ends with an “A”. I think there’s an “O” in there somewhere…
I feel like there’s something out there that already exists… I can’t quite recall. Starts with a “K” ends with an “A”. I think there’s an “O” in there somewhere…
Whoah whoah whoah, hold on there... that would require one to pay for a site. Bozeman is free.

Out of curiosity, where do they get rid of their human waste? Seriously, is there a station in town, or do you just dump it down a sewer grate?
I feel like there’s something out there that already exists… I can’t quite recall. Starts with a “K” ends with an “A”. I think there’s an “O” in there somewhere…
Yes among others though from what I've gathered, people on the former middle scaled income might appreciate a setting beyond meth KOAs with tent shanties, Gypsy style.

There are some good, reputable RV only sites that offer year /season rates and it's managed far greater than HOAs to keep the areas tidy.

Meh, if someone has property and doesn't want to sell it, might be a means to collect a sizeable chunk.
Then again, we're considering using a section of land in C Falls as a storage facility and a type of self service car wash. Beats have to deal w/ people living and having to boot them if crap went south.

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