Bowhunter Dave Holt (is going to jail)


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
Former Denver cop accused of disability fraud
By Howard Pankratz Denver Post Staff Writer
Article Last Updated: 06/13/2007 03:19:13 AM MDT

David Holt, a former SWAT officer and a bowhunting authority, is pictured with a Namibian kudu killed in 1999. Holt received payments for "permanent and total disability" for 18 years after he claimed he was injured on an obstacle course. (Photo courtesy of Trueflight Feathers)A former Denver SWAT officer on disability is really a con man who swindled the state out of at least $667,000 during an 18-year period while he traveled the world as a leading authority on bowhunting, according to the state grand jury.

David F. Holt, now 60, served with Denver police for 18 years before receiving disability payments after he claimed he was hurt in 1986 on an obstacle course.

The grand jury said that while receiving state compensation for "permanent and total disability," Holt formed his own company - Dave Holt's Africa - and chaperoned hunters on bowhunting expeditions to Africa. Holt authored two bowhunting books, wrote for several magazines, acted as a consultant for archery-related businesses, did endorsements, made video presentations and traveled extensively.

He collected in excess of $400,000 in disability and medical benefits, and more than $267,000 in occupational disability benefits during that time.

Former girlfriends have said that Holt is faking his illness, the grand jury said in the 12-count indictment.

But Rick Kornfeld, Holt's lawyer, was livid Tuesday, saying his client is seriously disabled.

"David Holt suffers from a serious disability and continues to suffer from a serious disability," Kornfeld said. "There are 20 years of medical records that support the fact that he suffers from a serious disability."

In October 2004, the city of Denver became suspicious and hired Mountain States Surveillance to begin watching Holt. As a result of the surveillance, Denver scheduled Holt with Dr. Laura Klein, a psychologist, for an independent medical evaluation.

Holt acted extremely depressed and downtrodden and spoke with a soft voice, Klein said. She reviewed his medical records and the surveillance videos and diagnosed Holt as "malingering," or pretending to be ill. Holt was indicted for forgery, theft, and making a false statement. If convicted, he faces a maximum prison term of 54 years.

Soon after the March 27, 1986, accident, Holt displayed a shuffling gait, his girlfriend at the time told the grand jury. Christine Ruys said the shuffle ended a couple of weeks after the accident, except when he went to a doctor. And in November 1986, eight months after he claimed to have been injured, he hunted and killed a world-record white tail deer in Wyoming, the grand jury said.

But one doctor who examined him at the time said he appeared to be "a frightened 3-year-old child clinging to his mother's skirt for protection against a hostile world."

Holt appeared so ill that his medical providers diagnosed him with dementia, and he was granted a medical disability.

Another former girlfriend, Jody Hefley, told the grand jury that Holt was in no way disabled after he launched his company and began the charter hunting trips to Africa.

"We deny the charges he intended to defraud anybody and received benefits he wasn't entitled to," Kornfeld said Tuesday.

The defense attorney said Holt is in Africa on a scheduled trip and was free to go because he wasn't under indictment when he left. Kornfeld added that he has asked state investigators to talk to many witnesses, including law-enforcement officials, who can attest to Holt's condition.
Former girlfriends have said that Holt is faking his illness
What's that they say about a woman scorned...? ;)

From just the article, it sounds like something is fishy. He can't stand to work because of his disability, but he can lead folks on trips 1/2 way around the world...
Not to mention all the time he spends writing articles for Bowhunter and all the hunting he does. Just doesn't add up IMO.
How does a guy with those kinds of disabilities guide people on hunting trips? If he's that disabled he shouldn't even be carrying a weapon of any sort. Come on, dementia? Thats pretty scarey thinking he's out there in the woods with that kind of disability.

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