Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Border of NM and CO... gas/oil field?

I love Americans: Drive SUV's and pickups, consume massive amounts of energy to heat and cool their overbuilt homes, run their devices, run their appliances, cool and heat their work places, shopping malls, restraurants, bar, sports stadiums, etc, etc. Buy bigger RV's, camper, motorhomes with every gadget they have at home, want fuel to power their boats, snowmobiles, ATV's, UTV's and haul all their goods to them in the local super market. Then the are "shocked, I tell you , shocked" that energy comes out of the ground and that requires infrastructure and that industry makes a profit from it. It truly is amazing to the cognitive dissonance humans are capable of.

Fracking isn't driving the thing, consumer demand for energy is the driving force. Without the demand there wouldn't be an fracking.

Then the are "shocked, I tell you , shocked" that energy comes out of the ground and that requires infrastructure and that industry makes a profit from it. It truly is amazing to the cognitive dissonance humans are capable of.

Fracking isn't driving the thing, consumer demand for energy is the driving force. Without the demand there wouldn't be an fracking.


I have a really, really hard time disagreeing with you. But you know me, I'll try my best. :D

I don't think folks are shocked that energy comes from the ground. Or that it requires infrastructure or that industry makes a profit. I think they are shocked at the true cost, especially when they've been lied to about that true cost. Industry spends all that PR money on lies because it works. Doll it up with a cute young scientist and hey, it's all good. Wrap themselves in the flag and paint the opposition as commie tree huggers and there you have it.

Americans might also be shocked to compare the subsidies for energy that comes from the ground with the subsidies for the energy that does not come from the ground.

Finally, they might be shocked to find how much of our natural resources are conveniently found under public land, as opposed to private land. But if they compared what industry has to pay to drill in a capitalist free market on private land, with what they pay on uncle sugar's tit, they would understand why it works out that way. They might demand more for their resource and pay more at the pump.

So, while consumer demand is the driver, a true free market economy is handicapped by lies and imperfect knowledge of cost/benefit. Who knows what would happen if people had knowledge. Maybe they would proceed with the trade-off as it is. But at least then they would truly own it in an arm's length, knowing transaction as BFPs and they could not claim shock.

I won't get in to the money ownership of our political, and thus legal and regulatory processes.
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JR, Really believe all that? So the wells in TX, LA and other Eastern states are drilled on Public Lands? The Haynesville Shale and other Shale Plays have contributed to the prosperity we see for energy prices while other prices like food have steadily risen. Get you some more Big Wind Turbines, Obama will cut you a permit to kill all the Eagles and Birds the we don't need and for what? A barrel of Oil replaced? John
JR, Really believe all that? So the wells in TX, LA and other Eastern states are drilled on Public Lands? The Haynesville Shale and other Shale Plays have contributed to the prosperity we see for energy prices while other prices like food have steadily risen. Get you some more Big Wind Turbines, Obama will cut you a permit to kill all the Eagles and Birds the we don't need and for what? A barrel of Oil replaced? John

I believe all of what I wrote. I don't necessarily believe your subjective misinterpretation of what I wrote.

As to "your" States, where did I say it was public land? Apparently you missed the part about price comparisons. But let's flesh that out a little, pretending it's all on private land: How much per BTU are you paying on private land to private land owners, compared to that paid to the U.S. for use of public land? Just curious.

As to the Turbines, maybe if they had the equivalent subsidy they would have a work-around equivalent to all the steps oil has had to take in response to Exxon Valdez, Deep Horizon, etc. ad infinitem. The barrel of oil replaced won't catch up so long as oil is on welfare and the competition is not. (And please don't say that the competition is getting subsidy. I know they are. It's a rhetorical point demonstrating the tiny fraction they get compared to oil).

Edited to add: Include in the cost of oil the tens of thousands of lives lost in the Middle East and NY City. Every time we fill up at the pump we are funding shitheads. So we come home and rape our land. And pretty ladies tell us we are not raping our land. See photo above.
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Finally, they might be shocked to find how much of our natural resources are conveniently found under public land, as opposed to private land.

There ya go JR. John
Finally, they might be shocked to find how much of our natural resources are conveniently found under public land, as opposed to private land.

There ya go JR. John

So, put on your reading hat and tell me how you pull this out of that: "So the wells in TX, LA and other Eastern states are drilled on Public Lands?"

There ya go, DS.
They might also be surprised to see how much middle eastern (Muslim theocrat totalitarian) money is sent to the NGOs that work tiressly to keep it in the Ground.
I hope Riley's lottery coin would be split evenly to that regard, and analyzing how a six figure oil salary benefits my neighbors American family, vs how slashing domestic production enriches some of the most barbaric subhuman scum on the planet. Like the Saudi Royal family.
They might also be surprised to see how much middle eastern (Muslim theocrat totalitarian) money is sent to the NGOs that work tiressly to keep it in the Ground.
I hope Riley's lottery coin would be split evenly to that regard, and analyzing how a six figure oil salary benefits my neighbors American family, vs how slashing domestic production enriches some of the most barbaric subhuman scum on the planet. Like the Saudi Royal family.

All the more reason quit acting like crack whores and to wean ourselves from this shit instead of trying to figure out another way to get the next fix. Besides, if it's left in the ground, it's still there, for our kids, the ones we talk so much game about.

P.S. It's my understanding even those evil dealers see the writing on the wall. The House of Saud is investing in a non-oil-based future now. Something we are slow to do. http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-G...ases-Ambitious-Plan-To-Diversify-Economy.html
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All the more reason quit acting like crack whores and to wean ourselves from this shit instead of trying to figure out another way to get the next fix. Besides, if it's left in the ground, it's still there, for our kids, the ones we talk so much game about.

P.S. It's my understanding even those evil dealers see the writing on the wall. The House of Saud is investing in a non-oil-based future now. Something we are slow to do. http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-G...ases-Ambitious-Plan-To-Diversify-Economy.html

You have quixotically fortified MTGomer's point quite well with that link.
They might also be surprised to see how much middle eastern (Muslim theocrat totalitarian) money is sent to the NGOs that work tiressly to keep it in the Ground.
I hope Riley's lottery coin would be split evenly to that regard, and analyzing how a six figure oil salary benefits my neighbors American family, vs how slashing domestic production enriches some of the most barbaric subhuman scum on the planet. Like the Saudi Royal family.

Um, there are several large operators drilling here that are foreign owned. TAQA is traded on the Abu Dhabi Exchange. Just because it is pumped domestically doesn't mean it isn't lining foreign pockets.

Carry on...
Why the zealous objection to privatization of public land while cheer-leading privatization of public resources, especially non-renewable resources, and through activities that leave the land looking like the photo in the OP? Oh, that's right: the neighbor with six figures from oil, and now we get cheaper gas. Well, a new neighbor on formerly public land will have way more than six figures.

The land in the OP might as well be private. In fact, they can have it now, as far as I'm concerned.
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NM side WAS the world famous 2a & 2b units.Rio Arriba county, BC book leader....or was.
The place has been raped.
Many resident NM oilworkers did not get in on recent gang bang and many lost their homes,livelyhoods. Ma & pa business' gone.
Most every truck up their has a TX plate on it. They had a glut of worker who they sent here instead of hiring locally. Haliburton crap.
Now gov. Susana Martinez,or Tejena as she is known here is a Texican really with pockets lined by TX oil and trophy rancher oil jerks, like the state lands jerk. She is an oil & big business whore. She could not care less about the average NM working folks ,ranchers or business.
We didn't even get our Nat.Gas distributed thru state, as was suppossed to happen.It just goes to TX & AZ.

Oh yeah I forgot it's a local issue. Or is it for greater good...bad? Eff NM huh.
I live in a area with excellent water and lots of it on my place. No oil or coal here so I'm safe for now. I do know how to deal with them tho if need be.

Drink some of that safe fracking water or better yet,make some more coolaid.
Um, there are several large operators drilling here that are foreign owned. TAQA is traded on the Abu Dhabi Exchange. Just because it is pumped domestically doesn't mean it isn't lining foreign pockets.

Carry on...

STATOil would be another.
Taqa being in the Bakken doesn't mean that OPEC loves shale, if that's the point you were attempting to make?
My point still stands (it's a fact-not an opinion) that unless we cut our CONSUMPTION, cutting our production only finances jihad and human rights abuses.
Oil is an international commodity and shale oil is killing the oil cartel, albeit slowly.
Quatari money was used for a lot of anti fracking paranoia and propoganda.
The US gives foreign aid to nations to build their production capabilities while at the same time, our politically connected run organizations taking $ from these nations, and promote anti extraction policies on the Homefront. I could elaborate more but you get the point and could look all this up, if you were so inclined.
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