BLM, Forest Service and Nevada Ranchers

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With a little effort, this topic could reach "Rowdy Dowdy" status from bowsite.

Buzz - I noticed you have "or" in your sheep tag wishes ("A sheep tag in NV, AZ, MT, WY, CO, TX or NM would be nice as well."). You should throw "and" in there instead.
But the steaks off one taste better then the other.
Besides, If you want to start charging welfare ranchers more then why not start charging us welfare hunters?

Do we make a paycheck off the resource? That would be double dipping because we already pay taxes that support managment for recreational activities. The impact to resources by recreationists is very low compared to commercial. Any commercial activity on our public lands should require a fee.
Do we make a paycheck off the resource? That would be double dipping because we already pay taxes that support managment for recreational activities. The impact to resources by recreationists is very low compared to commercial. Any commercial activity on our public lands should require a fee.

The ranchers pay tax also so it is double dipping on them. A herd of buffalo can double the damage of cows in a heartbeat.
The ranchers pay tax also so it is double dipping on them..

I like the way you think BigRack!;) I'm gonna round up a bunch of my redneck neighbors, who are loggers and head West. After all we pay taxes too, so by your logic it would be fine for us to fire up the saws and go to work.
After I strike it rich in the logging business (which I will if I don't have to let the landowner in on my deal) do you think I should open up a mine or start sinking gas wells,on that newly cleared ground?
I want to thank you in advance for the stroke of genius. If we ever meet, Beer's on me,as a matter of fact I'm gonna be so rich I'll just buy the next round for everybody. :hump:
I like the way you think BigRack!;) I'm gonna round up a bunch of my redneck neighbors, who are loggers and head West. After all we pay taxes too, so by your logic it would be fine for us to fire up the saws and go to work.
After I strike it rich in the logging business (which I will if I don't have to let the landowner in on my deal) do you think I should open up a mine or start sinking gas wells,on that newly cleared ground?
I want to thank you in advance for the stroke of genius. If we ever meet, Beer's on me,as a matter of fact I'm gonna be so rich I'll just buy the next round for everybody. :hump:

Where did you see that I said that in my post? I simply said bringing up the double taxation argument doesn't work.

If I use your logic, you can have the trees. I'll drill for oil.:)
The ranchers pay tax also so it is double dipping on them. A herd of buffalo can double the damage of cows in a heartbeat.

If you cared to read the first few words, I said something about making a paycheck off the resource. Missed that part did ya? How convenient. Your sounding more like Bundy daily.

Ignore the obvious, leave out the major details and FACTS then off to make your case. Congrats! Brilliant, Americans will never know.
If you cared to read the first few words, I said something about making a paycheck of the resource. Missed that part did ya? How convenient. Your sounding more like Bundy daily.

Ignore the obvious, leave out the major details and FACTS then off to make your case. Congrats! Brilliant, Americans will never know.

Non-ranchers make money off of public lands all of the time. I hope you weren't saying only ranchers do.
Non-ranchers make money off of public lands all of the time. I hope you weren't saying only ranchers do.

I'm running low on patients. I've highlighted the big words for you to understand. Keep trying to cherry pick, or twist my words around, and the gloves will come off. ;)

Do we(Meaning recreationists) make a paycheck off the resource? That would be double dipping because we (US citizens) already pay taxes that support management for recreational activities. The impact to resources by recreationists is very low compared to commercial. Any commercial activity on our public lands should require a fee.
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I'm running low on patients. I've highlighted the big words for you to understand. Keep trying to cherry pick, or twist my words around, and the gloves will come off. ;)

My patience is running low. Where did I say commercial parties should not pay?

Like I said, non-ranchers make money off of taxpayer owned land.
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The ranchers pay tax also so it is double dipping on them. A herd of buffalo can double the damage of cows in a heartbeat.

Right there. You feel ranchers paying the same federal income tax is good enough because Bison are harder on the resource. By your thinking all wildlife are livestock, There not, They are the resource. Cattle are the ones utilizing resources, and competing with the natural wildlife (resource).

Cattle are not a resource.
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