Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

BLM, Forest Service and Nevada Ranchers

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Right there. You feel ranchers paying the same federal income tax is good enough because Bison are harder on the resource. By your thinking all wildlife are livestock, There not, They are the resource. Cattle are the ones utilizing resources, and competing with the natural wildlife (resource).

Cattle are not a resource.

1. Ranchers paying taxes has nothing to do with cattle or bison. That had to to with the double taxation argument.

2. Cattle are a resource.
I'm done with you. SS will have an honest debate with you but if you keep trying to be cute he'll chew you up and spit you out.

Best of luck to you.
So the question is can I get out of the fee to see Mt Rushmore If I say I want to hunt on the land?

Is hunting allowed on those lands at Mt Rushmore?

Who gets to decide that? The taxpayer, a Federal bureaucrat that has never been to SD, a South Dakota resident, etc.

The Federal Government should never be able to bar hunters from hunting during a Government shutdown, but they did.

It's not our land anymore and it needs to become our land again.
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Already addressed that, it must of been an uncatchable ball for you. Sometimes it's hard to draw pictures, you have to understand what your reading.

You never read the links I gave you.

No you didn't. I have never said that in this thread.

Asking questions is not taking the position of the question asked.
It does with the double taxation argument.

Not even close. READ THE LINKS!

If and when, there's so many people using our public lands for recreational purposes that the damage created by that purpose is degrading the ecosystems, then we might see special fees (permits) paid for day use. There might be a time that permits are issued to keep that degradation down. We already limit the recreational trips on Rivers.

Freedom to utilize our pubic lands are not all that clear cut. We as a society decided we were willing to give up some privileges to conserve these lands.

Ranching reached that degradation level at the turn of the century, Ranchers were the ones that asked for the permitting process, and had/have a say in the way the Government sets up grazing allotments, rules, regulations, and fees.

Thanks again for the conversation, and the dumbing down feeling I get each time we talk.
Who gets to decide that? The taxpayer, a Federal bureaucrat that has never been to SD, a South Dakota resident, etc.

The Federal Government should never be able to bar hunters from hunting during a Government shutdown, but they did.

It's not our land anymore and it needs to become our land again.

I asked you a simple question.

You implied that hunters feel they should get to go and use the lands for free, so why not a park.

My question was very simple. Do they allow hunting there? Yes or No

The rest of your questions in responses to my questions are irrelevant until you answer the question.
Not even close. READ THE LINKS!

If and when, there's so many people using our public lands for recreational purposes that the damage created by that purpose is degrading the ecosystems, then we might see special fees (permits) paid for day use. There might be a time that permits are issued to keep that degradation down. We already limit the recreational trips on Rivers.

Freedom to utilize our pubic lands are not all that clear cut. We as a society decided we were willing to give up some privileges to conserve these lands.

Ranching reached that degradation level at the turn of the century, Ranchers were the ones that asked for the permitting process, and had/have a say in the way the Government sets up grazing allotments, rules, regulations, and fees.

Thanks again for the conversation, and the dumbing down feeling I get each time we talk.

OMG. You haven't linked to where I said ranchers should not pay for grazing rights and you post this?

I do think ranchers should pay for grazing rights.

Can you read that?

Now, this might be a bit more complex for you, so read slowly.

When someone says recreational people pay taxes for federal land, and someone like myself says ranchers do also, like I did earlier in this thread, that means they both pay taxes. Now when the ranchers pays a grazing right for land he already pays taxes on, that is called double taxation.

C-Corps also have double taxation in the US.

Double taxation exists.

That's why you should have a LLC taxed as an S-Corp.
I asked you a simple question.

You implied that hunters feel they should get to go and use the lands for free, so why not a park.

My question was very simple. Do they allow hunting there? Yes or No

The rest of your questions in responses to my questions are irrelevant until you answer the question.

I don't know. I have never looked into it. I doubt there would be many animals around with all of the camera flashes and non-ranchers making money on our taxpayer land.
OMG. You haven't linked to where I said ranchers should not pay for grazing rights and you post this?

I do think ranchers should pay for grazing rights.

See I said we were getting somewhere. BUT they are certainly not rights!

Can you read that?

Now, this might be a bit more complex for you, so read slowly.

When someone says recreational people pay taxes for federal land, and someone like myself says ranchers do also, like I did earlier in this thread, that means they both pay taxes. Now when the ranchers pays a grazing right for land he already pays taxes on, that is called double taxation.

You seemed confused here. We all pay income taxes. They go into the general fund to fund just about everything and every kind of program. Military, social programs, running the gubermint etc.

Permits, Not taxes are what a ranchers pays for Grazing of the grass on my public lands. They don't pay a "Grazing right TAX for land he already pays taxes on. That was addressed in the Fuggin LINKS!

C-Corps also have double taxation in the US.

Double taxation exists.

That's why you should have a LLC taxed as an S-Corp.

Thanks for the lesson on S-Corps. ;)
Thanks for the lesson on S-Corps. ;)

You seemed confused here. We all pay income taxes. They go into the general fund to fund just about everything and every kind of program. Military, social programs, running the gubermint etc.

Permits, Not taxes are what a ranchers pays for Grazing of the grass on my public lands. They don't pay a "Grazing right TAX for land he already pays taxes on. That was addressed in the Fuggin LINKS!

I was told Obamacare was not a tax, but now it is, so we can argue about what a payment to the Federal Government is.

Everyone does not pay Federal Income Taxes.
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