Caribou Gear

Best Netflix/Amazon/Hulu to Binge Watch During Social Distancing.

The Punisher
The Boys
Stranger Things
Umbrella Academy
Walking Dead
The Blacklist

I just started Arrow and its pretty good so far. I tried the first episodes of Hunters and Mindhunter and neither pulled me in. My try again.
Longmire and Breaking Bad are on the short list.
Was watching Louis L'Amour Movies, now The Pacific and likely to start on Lonesome Dove (again) movies and series. The wife is supposed to be coming home from the hospital tomorrow (maybe). They are kicking her out two weeks early, she was supposed to some rehab but they called that off. I'd better get off my rear and do some more cleaning. :)
Last Kingdom on Netflix is fun. Should be a new season starting.

47th time rewatching the Office, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock

The Good Place was fun.

The MCU can suck up an entire week if you watch in order, and hit the netire line up. Star Wars can fill in the time you'd spend sleeping. Battlestar Galactica is a fun series as well.

Guilty Pleasure: BBC shows about buying country property in England & on the Continent.

Youtube: Lots of series on there to choose from. Lots of concert vids too.

Crackle: Has a bunch of 80's sitcoms. Rosanne holds up.
Blacklist (Netflix/Hulu)
The Witcher (Netflix)
Boston Legal (Hulu)
Archer (Hulu)
Solo Hunter (Prime)
Watched a really funny comedy special on Netflix by Taylor Tomlinson, she is hilarious.
Lots of oldies out there that held up. Good time to relive the craziness of the 50's & 60's.

Dcumentaries are always a good thing.

Hotel Coolgardie is a good one on Amazon about tourists who have to work at a mining town bar in order to get enough cash to get home.

Beware of Mr. Baker is about Ginger Baker and is a wild ride.

Planet Earth stuff is always fun.
I'm still going to work but there are like 5 people in a giant building and we may be sent to telework tomorrow.

I'm sticking to comedy and stupid stuff lately because the world is too serious (don't judge):
It's always Sunny in Philadelphia
Bob's Burgers
South Park
Rick and Morty (free streaming via Adult Swim app again don't judge)
I just watched a great documentary on Netflix about Ted Williams. I read my first Ted Williams bio when I was probably 12, and have been fascinated with him since. He's about as close to a real life super hero as our country's had. - Randy11

"It's a funny thing, but, as years go by, I think you appreciate more and more what a great thing it was to be a United States Marine... I am a U.S. Marine and I'll be one till I die."
- Ted Williams
Top 2 currently:
Moonshiners and the newest season of First 48.
Nothing like some hillbilly's, illegality and murder to make me feel at home 🤠
Only because I was sick...

The Ranch (had to quit it because watching Father and Son fight for hours every day just wore on me)
Game of Thrones (HBO) the GF had never seen it, so we watched an episode or two a night since January.)
Peaky Blinders