PEAX Equipment

Baseball fans - Beat the Streak

Konerko 0-5 ARE YOU SERIOUS?? Geez


ryan braun 1-7 that would have really pissed me off...not that my streak of 2 was any big deal but come on!!!
Everybody who played today were winners. IB just strolls in a week and a half ago and hasn't missed yet.
My last two streaks have been broken, not by hitters not hitting, but by me forgetting to pick any... :W: :eek:
All Star Break. It resumes tomorrow. Quite a few people still playing, as you can see who has made picks every day.
All Star Break. It resumes tomorrow. Quite a few people still playing, as you can see who has made picks every day.

I thought I knew baseball well, but I sure can't pick a guy that will get a hit. But I will keep trying every day. :cool:
Seems like it gets quite a bit harder as the season goes on...people just aren't as predictable based on their stats.