

Jan 21, 2001
Any other backpackin hunters out there? Looking to share ideas on equipment and methods, I like good quality gear , but don't own a lot of real name brand stuff. But I do love stayin on top of a mountain for a few days,maybe cuz I'm to lazy to hike back and forth, my sweetheart says I gotta find a huntin partner,no more goin alone for days at a time... well see h2m
You found one here. I like to go for days at a time myself and usually go alone , since most of my buddies aren't as hard core as I am. Some times you just walk a little to far and it is easier to stay the night than stumble around in the darkness. I use a Kelty internal frame pack, not sure how many cubic inches. A four seasons tent that is light and easy to pack. No sleeping pads for me. I try to carry as little as possible and my pack changes depending on what I am doing. If I know I am going to be a few days, I pack differently than if I just MIGHT spend the night. Do you carry some sort of water purifier? I don't like the tablets and have invested in a light compact purifier system. Forget the name right now, but when I get back home to Montana I can let you know. I don't like to pack around a cook stove so I just carry one small pan to do all my cooking in. Usually just rice or beans, as they are easy to carry. Have been using the dehydrated products lately also. Let's hear some about your set up.
I also backpack hunt all the time. I use a raft alot to get to a starting point but from there its on foot. As for gear, I dont bring anything that I dont "need". just food, clothes and a tent/sleeping bag. Sometimes the tent is optional.
RMO, Great to hear from ya, I to use different systems depending on the hunt, my main gear consists of a Cabales Wind River pack, internal frame,I can haul some meat out with my camp gear, then switch to a pack frame for the rest of the trips, I like to eat good on extended trips, of more than a couple days, I use a coleman extreme stove with a matching lantern, both weigh just ounces, my sleeping gear consists of a Cabelas summit mummy, or for sept- early oct hunts, a gear guide down mummy, carry weight 2 1/2 lbs good to about 20 deg, a therm-a-rest pad makes my picky back almost bareable to live with. a good swiss made folding saw makes meat cutting a snap, I have several tents, two are 2-man tents made by Glaciers edge, which I found at Fred Myers,in my opinion they rival many of the top brand names and for half the money,last year I woke up to 6" of wet snow, and the tent was purty heavy and I was dry as could be with no leaks or busted poles, for go light trips I have a bivy sack tent from sportsman guide, once again it has proven it's self in some serious weather, just have to remember to leave the door cracked on cold nights or you will frost up. I have fleece pants shirt, and booties to sleep in . My pack weighs in at 44lbs and that includes my huntin glass, for a couple nights my smaller pack plus the lighter above gear and bare grub goes about 19 lbs , also I have opted to you the swee****er purifing bottle rather than a full blown pump, but I'm seriouly looking at the Pur -scout pump after hearing good things about it. last year my scouting paid off and because I was in farther and above everyone else I saw a monster mulie at 290 yrds , a little out of reach for my smoke pole, I hunted that bugger for four days and saw him a second time. it made my whole trip worthwile. I did connect on a nice heavy buck at 140yrds. it was a super year,one day I counted 22 bucks most in the 20-24" range. backpackin can be very rewarding. keep you straps tight...h2m :cool: :cool:
lillbigun, Tell me more about raftin in to your huntin area, sounds like a blast, what kinda pack, tent, bag and gear do ya use?

Rafting is great. A real good way to get away from the people.

I use a alaskan3 pack from cabellas. Not the best but it sure can carry a load. My tent is a kelty 3 season, 4 man dome. I have a couple of the military goretex sleeping bags with a bivy sack. I bring along a peak1 stove. I usually eat dehydraded meals (mtn house) and MRE's. I have a battery operated lantern. I always wear fleece and goretex.
thats basically all I bring with me besides a few small little things (first aid kit, hygene stuff....). The heaviest my pack was was 72lbs on a week long sheep hunt. Most of it was food. I try to eat about 6-7000 calories a day.
Hi Guys, I also backpack alone to hunt. Just can't talk anyone into doing it, so it's been solo for years. I live in NV, but usually hunt several other states each fall,,wherever the permit draw gods allow me to go. (that's usually an over the counter area,hehe) It's a great way to hunt. What states do you guys hunt in?
This is too cool. I thought I was almost alone in my backpack hunting. I'm glad to see others out there who've discovered the good life too.

I have a decent selection of packs, tents and bags (mostly because I never throw anything away). I mix and match depending on the conditions and hunt length. My typical set up is a Cabela's Alaskan II (which is nothing more than a Camp Trails Moose Freighter frame with "Cabela's" embroidered on it), an REI NodPod sleeping bag, my main tent is a Eureka Timberlite but I go tentless when weather permits. I use a Sweet-Water Guardian filter which is great and easy to use. I carry an MSR Whisperlite stove, which by the way fits nicely into an MSR 2qt pot. For food I mostly carry MountainHouse meals because they're light weight, easy to fix and taste decent. I also carry a Petzl headlamp, a must-have or you can do like me and accidently stick a cold-soaked Mini-Mag light in your mouth at 20 below. Ooops!

Hope to discuss the joy of the BP hunt with you guys somemore. Maybe Moosie will start us a new topic.
Two fingers, I also use one of the headlamp type lights. They leave your hands free and sure light things up alot better than the mini mag. Any of you guys pack in to the high mountain lakes for fishing?? That is something I do every year. We have quite a few of them here in montana and alot of them do not get fished all that often. A fish a cast is not unusual. How many fly fishermen do we have here?
Here here! RMO, I picked up a neat little 4 piece pack rod set-up at a local pawn shop for $30. Its a nice full modulus graphite 6 weight, but since its an off brand, the pawn folks didn't know that they sold me a $100 rod for 70% off.

I think I'm going to do a solo overnighter this Memorial Day weekend. I'll have to dig out my maps and do a little phone work before I pick a spot. Normally our high lakes would still be under ice and a couple of feet of slush but since this year's snow pack was 40% to 60% short, I'll bet quite a few lakes are open already.

As for tomorrow's agenda: Sturgeon! Not really a fly-fishing fish but there is something to be said for 6 to 10 feet long and a few hundred pounds.(if I'm really lucky)
well i'm new to this pack hunting and i had planned on doing it this year. but i probably will just do some backcountry scouting instead. i just got back from a pig hunt and it has me second guessing my bear hunt i had planned! no big deal though i need the extra time under my rifle! anyway about two weeks ago i bought a gregory palisade backpack and tonoght i just finished picking up the rest of my gear...except new boots. all that small stuff sure adds up quickly, $240 later and i'm leaving the store and the boots i want are another $150!! i suppose it's always expensive when you are starting from scratch.
Two fingers,
Yeah buddy, those 4 piece rods are the best pack rods you can get. I use the St. Croix rods, they are mid range in price but I feel they are top quality. I use a 4 wt. rod for most of my pack trips. Sometimes I take the 5wt. There are alot of Grayling and some Golden trout in the lakes I fish. I haven't hooked into any huge ones but I will settle for smaller fish when you catch one every cast. Where do you live?? Sturgeon , huh?? Do ya live in Oregon near the Columbia?? We have sturgeon in MOntana but I have never fished for em. I hear ya on the pawn shops, I got into collecting bamboo fly rods and I usually get my best deals at the pawn shops.

Cali, I hear ya man on the money thing. I would hate to add up all the money I have spent on hunting and camping gear. I am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to that stuff. I too am like a pack rat, I just never seem to throw anything away. Well , that should come in handy when I decide to have a couple little ones. ha ha. This has been a good thread , I hope a few more people speak up and we may just get us a little rendezvous set up.
Just started trainin my new backpackin pardners, my daughters just turned 10 and 11 we bought two of the kelty coyote packs, their around 2500 cu in, they adjust clear down to 11" torso size, I was skeptical spending 85.00 apiece for first packs but, as mom says they will do anything to be with dad ,I really think they will stick to it, the oldest already, can out shoot me with her bow if I'm not real careful and the youngest has a nice 30" steelhead on the wall. Lets hope their ready come september, next they want new sleeping bags..... h2m
hunt 2 much

email me on the type of bow you have for your girl.. my daughter wants to bow hunt but I have no idea what to get her and still be good enough to shoot deer with...

RMO, I live in Mountain Home Idaho, which is only about 25 miles from the Snake River. The Snake has White Sturgeon, which are supposed to be the largest north american variety. I believe your Missouri system sturgeon are Shovelnose which are quite a bit smaller. The locals here use surf rods and 50lb test. Fights on 6 footers and up typically take an hour or more. Catch and release only and barbless hooks.

I have to give the local USFS office a call for info on which lakes/trails are open. I think I'll pack in my float tube. Hey, I totally agree with you on St Croix and like brands. A $50 dollar plain-Jane rod throws a roll cast just as good as a $350 magic wand (usually). I like WW Grigg rods too.

Hey do any of you fellow packers have a Dwight Shue pack? I've hade mine for years and really like it. It's a smallish pack but I like its lightweight external frame. They're much cooler, especially in summer.
My only gripe is the pack bag only comes in fleece. I'd like a cordura version for non-hunting trips.
I would like to get into backpacking as a hobby and eventually do a backpack hunting trip. Do you suggest an internal or an external frame pack? I understand that an internal is more comfortable, but can it be used to pack out game? Also, what size would you recommend? I have seen packs up to and including 7000, but that thing seemed HUGE :eek: I don't even think I would want to pack that many feathers!! Thanks in advance for the help.
1-Pointer, once you start packing in on your own or with a trusted partner, hunting any other way will never be the same. Most times, you literally have entire drainages or mountain sides to yourself.

For hunting, get a well built external frame to start. They're less expensive than a comparably sized internal frame. If backpacking turns out to less than you expected you haven't layed too much dough.

I strongly recommend Cabela's Alaskan series packs. I bought an Alaskan II in '92 and have used it extensively. This pack has its fair share of battle scars, and I've repaired it a time or two but its still in really good shape. It will haul more than you can carry.

Its based on the CampTrails Moose Freighter frame. Whatever you get, make sure it has contoured, adjustable shoulder straps with a fully adjustable chest strap. A very well-built, padded hip belt is another critical feature. You carry a loaded pack on your hips and balance it with your shoulders so these are the most important features. If you plan on hunting with this pack you also want a fold down meat shelf. You don't necessarily need the pack sack to haul meat.

Internal frames have their advantages too; better center of gravity, lower profile, better gear access but for hunting I think you will be best served by a good quality external frame.

Check out any high-end camping store for a close up look at packs and their features to give yourself a good ball park idea and then go hit the pawn shops/garage sales/thrift stores for a great deal.

Good luck
Delw, Their are lots of good youth bows on the market, we chose the Browning Micro Mitus their are to different poundages in this bow , but the lesser can be upgraded to 45 lbs for about 40.00, a good package price on the bow,sights , arrows and set up to shoot is arond 180.00, good luck h2m ;)
That would be nice if there was a section devoted entirely to backpacking. We really like to do the one and two night trips. That way you are real mobile. I think you need both an internal & an external frame pack. We are also very weight conscious. We are getting are packs pretty light now, and with a few more key investments, we should be getting even lighter. I love to hear about weight saving ideas. Right now we are shopping for an ultra light tent.
DALE T, Don't know what type of tent your lookin for, but I stumbled across a neat little outfit, i'ts a bivy sack offered out of sportsman guide,normally I 'm skeptical about off brands , but a couple of guys at work said they loved theirs, so I sent for one , they cost about 35.00 bucks, when it came I set it up in the yard and climbed inside and had the kids turn the sprinkler on it, it held perfectly!!! I have since used it for two years and still would buy a nother one, I have used 200.00$ sacks that have not worked any better, sometimes you just luck out I guess, if your lookin for a two man set up , I use a Glacier Edge, which is sold at k-mart, once again a cheaper brand that performs like the big boys, I have 4 season camped in this tent for 5 years now, and when I busted the aluminum pole on the front from to much snow, the manager gave me a complete new set with no questions asked, good luck H2M

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