Caribou Gear

Back to school


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The Driftless Area
Just got word that our daughter’s school is postponed until April 30. It was April 13 before. However I doubt they go back this year. I feel bad because she is only in pre-K and does not understand. She wants to play with her friends and cousins bad, but we are doing our best having outdoor adventures in the meantime. Today we found a turkey feather and what she thought was the coolest leaf ever, a big white oak leaf, we stomped in a creek that I swam in as a kid and roasted hot dogs and s’mores for lunch over a campfire.
I too doubt our local schools with go back this year. I'm hearing rumors that a school construction project slated for summer break is gearing up to start in Early May.
I hear ya. My little girl is in Pre-K and probably not going back this year either. She's taken it pretty well but you can definitely tell she misses going to school and playing with kids her own age. It's hard on little kids being cooped up. Definitely gotta get em outside as much as possible.
Dang that one is brutal. I wonder how many parents are gonna be pulling their hair out by July 4th.
Ya it sucks. Have a senior in college losing her last year to play as she was at the top of her game. Leading In her division. Can’t play another year because she’s to grad school and no way to play. Went through shoulder surgery over winter to play at full potential senior year. Also now can’t “ walk” for graduation. My younger is a JR in HS. I am also HS softball coach. Hard to see my younger daughter work so hard at pitching all year and get ready for college recruiting. Then I have my seniors at HS who may never play again. My guess is we will also lose all summer travel ball. But I feel this is a very hard lesson that life sometimes isn’t fair. We are healthy and some some people are dying. If this is the worst thing that happens to my kids then they are blessed.
God Bless all and pray everyone stays healthy.
My 18 y/o just returned her prom dress, don’t look like there will be a graduation ceremony either.
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I can’t even imagine being a senior in high school or college and losing so many things you’ve worked for.
Hopefully for younger kids it will just be something they remember as a different experience. For older kids that can understand better, it will be something more meaningful. Missing a graduation ceremony or prom isn’t exactly a sacrifice in the big scheme of things. Perspective is important.
Schools in Pennsylvania are closed until April 30th. With that said they have until June 30th to get 180 instructional days in. In the 2019-2020 school year schools will not be penalized if they fail to get those days in due to Covid19. Basically schools have to make a good faith effort to get the days in somehow. This is the overly simplistic version as there are many legalities and such that schools have to meet when educating kids.

Many schools in our county are attempting to implement online curriculum to try and reach students. The school I teach for is attempting to do this, student participation has been fair at best for a variety of reasons ranging from students not having internet access to just not participating. As a shop/drafting teacher with a 160 students in courses with a heavy emphasis on hands on instruction this is tough for me.

The school my kids go to, who are 2nd and 4th grade, is attempting online stuff. They are doing okay getting through it, but they are not happy with it at all. The 4th grader has a really good teacher and the class seems to be doing a good job with this crappy situation. The second grader has a good teacher, and is doing pretty well, but 2nd graders aren’t ready for this.
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Mine is to young (pre-K)to know what’s going on other then she is not going to school and seeing her new friends. Her teacher sends electronically different activities like numbers and writing letters of the alphabet. Today in the announcement of no school the admins said something very similar to what slatebuilder said. They can’t force participation in online activities cuz of access and most kids in our area work part time and some unfortunately have to work to put food on table for their family.
We received official notification last night that Fort Collins, Colorado students will not return to school this year. Just got the same report from a cousin in the greater Denver area. Strange new world, overnight...
Our kids here in WI are out until the end of April at least, but I’ll be surprised if they go back this spring. The only good thing about that is my daughter is in 4K and they will be refunding her public school tuition. Should be over $800 that we get back.
The Hoosier state will have e-learning the rest of the year. Wonder what the schools are going to be doing with tuitions already paid?
My guess is the daughters school will be closed rest of the year. She’s pretty bummed because she misses school but I’m glad she’s only in kindergarten going through this junk
Sad for all, but super sad for seniors (high school or college). No real second changes for the last semester of either. Our middle kid is a junior, but lots of his friends are seniors missing last year of lacrosse, prom, graduation etc.
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Yea, I highly doubt kids come back to school in Wisconsin this year. Most will be alright but some kids you really worry about. Absolute garbage home lives and school is the best thing they got going for them.....
Your point is an important one, in times like these, child abuse and neglect increase exponentially.

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