NEW SITKA Ambient 75

az402 you out there?


New member
Aug 30, 2002

I was chatting with Delw on another site and he told me that you may be able to provide me with some info! I was drawn for a unit 16A (Bull Archery) tag in beautiful AZ.
I am not planning on the services of a guide can't really swing it, to close to retiement! Anyway, any info on the area you could provide would be greatly appreciated! I'm traveling quite a distance from MD. I hope to be out there to get at least 2 days of hard scouting prior to the start of the season. I am new to this Elk hunting business but, been chasing whitetails all my life! Thanks and best of luck this year!

AZ402 usually pops in a couple times a week.... He's a newly wed and besides hunting has GOOP on the brain

Welcome To friend. Looks like you drew my tag. If you want, you can just sign it over to me, I'll pay you whatever you had to pay to get the tag, And I'll throw in $20 extra for your problems that you've might incountered. I see no reason why my tag went all the way over the to MD though :confused: It will also save you a trip and scouting time. MAybe you could just send me the tag and $100 because I saved you a trip ;)


Seriously though, Hope you have a good trip. ANd Share the stories and Pics here with us at HuntTalk, Thats what it's ALL about !!!!!!!!
Welcome aboard MD. Hope to see some of those awesome pics of your hunt here soon. You'll have a blast on this site.

GOOP on the brain? Dont they have a cream for that?
Welcome aboard Elk, hope you stick around and share some pictures with us when you return from your hunt. Good luck this year, that unit has a few spikes in it, you might even kill a raghorn!! :D :D
Moosie and to all,
Thanks for the welcome aboard! You can bet I'll post some pics if I get lucky enough to bag one! Don't tempt me me on the tag moosie! The time I'm having getting any info on this unit is wearing me down!! Doesn't matter though, I'm just looking forward to spending some time chasing bulls! Only done it one other time (rifle)! I just hope I can hold it together long enough to get a shaft into one if and when the opportunity comes. :eek: This Looks like a fun site!! I'll definately be stopping by more often, Thanks Delw for bringin me to this sight! Oh by the way, I can already tell, some of you are off the hook!!! :D Whats's up with the grems? they ain't workin?!?!? Can you tell I'm a real puter whiz! Thanks again folks, best of luck to all!!
HEY Elkhuntingmd, Don't listen to Stan..... JSut send that Tag my way, It really sux to hunt down there. ME, as a friend to you, Would take that off your hands, You wouldn't even owe me one :D :D

GOOD luck with the hunt !!!!!
Moosie your trippin!!!!! :eek: What's an Az bull tag going for these days? 5 years of Az license fees oh, and then the tag fee!! :D It wasn't the money though, It was those 5 *#$% years of waiting! :( You couldn't use the Tag anyways, your on here to much, If they havn't told you your suppose to hunt the Elk not the tags!!!! :D :D HA-Ha-Ha You know I'm just kidding!! Thanks though, I'm really looking forward to this hunt!
az402, Thank you for your reply!! I will shoot you an E-Mail. Good luck to all! :cool:
HAH.. YAH.. I'm tripping all the way to AZ ;)

DID you buy a license every year and have 5 years of points built up ? Or didyou put in every year with no points and Finally drew ? Jsut wondering.

Don't worry about me scoring on ELK. I can FIND a Spike BULL anywere ;) This year I have big plans to get another coup[le of SPIKES !!!! :D :D

Stick around, And we'll swap pictures !!
Hi and welcome abord ElkHntinMD. What part of 16A did you get? I have hunted in that section for the last three seasons. The area I hunt is now called 16A/north. If that is your unit shot me a email. I'll be happy to help you any way I can.

[email protected]

agen welcome to HT
I had 3 points was 4th year applying! I screwed up my appl!!!! I was interested in 16A because of the extremely low hunter numbers and no rifles in the area! But, I screwed up!!!! Somehow I put 16A as my first hunt choice!! I was hoping for unit 27 which was my second choice (should have been first) Anyway, I blame it on my puter!!! I don't know what it was thinking!!! Of course I had a few brews that night, they may have had something to do with it!!!
So there I am 16A, toughest hunt in AZ from what I'm hearing! :eek: Hey don't get me wrong, I'm goin Elk Huntin in AZ!!!!!! :D It don't get no better than that! Say Moosie whats up with the ranking of 44 out of the top 100 sights? Where's the other 41? I havn't seen many other sights better than this one! It may have something to do with your funny looking Mascot!!! HA-HA :D ;) Just kidding! This is a great sight and the people seem to be great also! :D :cool:
Oh by the way moosie,
I don't want to see any pics of your big Bulls!!! I'm sure it would make me well u with tears! Just kiddin man, The only pics I've got are of some whitetails!! 1 decent elk, 1 really big Mulie, Some nice whitetails! I do have 3 very unique whitetails though! They are snow white from head to hoove, But, they are not elbinos and their not piebalds either!! So bring on the Pics Moosie!! I would love to see them! E-Mail me at [email protected] anytime!

Thanks for the welcome aboard! I'll shoot you an e-Mail Thanks for the interest!
I've got to dig them out! I may even have to take a pic of the pic! I have a digital Camera and have done it before! It came out pretty good! Then I'll just have to figure out how to get them on the site! I'll try to get them out to you though! I'm not real puter smart!! :D The white deer are awesome though! Good luck to you this year whatever you may hunt!! :cool: