
AZ 402

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
Hey, just curious if you could post a pic of that bull? I dont think I've seen it.

Also, was just watching the weather, got to thinking about all the moisture there might be down there this winter and spring due to El Nino. Think there might be some super monsters killed next year?

Have a good one,

I don't have a clue how to post a pic. Maybe Delw or moosie could put it up?

I hope we get some much needed moisture. It sure wouldn't hurt the antler growth. It would also help bring on the rut, which there was very little to none of this year.
yea AZ402 tell them boys to conjure up that pic---which video is it that you're in--i've got 2 or 3 of them john M. videos...chris
Stan send me the pic again would you... I think I have it somewhere, but send it again and I will put it up

Heres the pic
head for the hills----my lord--I guess I've never seen this pic--between you, Greenie and FugginGoodhunter--I simply bow or bend or whatever--that's awesome----chris
Like my buddy DeerKing would say, he's cute. This bull was taken over a year ago. So Moosie ,Greeny,WW and FGH all had a much better year than me. In AZ we are lucky to get to archery hunt these bad boy's once every 5-7 years. I'll see if I can't top their 2002 deer though here in about a week.
i think its real cute!! I hope to get a tag there one day, got 5 pts so far.
What a small bull!! I would have held out for a bigger one!! I can't believe you, you draw an Arizona elk tag and you shoot the first bull you see!! What's wrong with you?? Next time that you draw a tag hold out for one that has at least matured!! :D :D
Damn Stan, that is one fine bull.
The next time you shoot one that big, remember to SMILE for the photo. :D
I only wish I would have known about the Greenhorn and WW Nut kicking tactic earlier in life. I may have had a couple like this.
The bull looks bigger everytime I see it!! That's a fuggin Monarch!! I can't wait to draw again, Maybe I'll apply for 16A Again :D Lightning sometimes does strike twice Stan. :eek: Hey Stan, John Mcclendon contacted me about that bull I took. He Was wanting to do a story on it. Do you know what publication he writes for? Congrats on that bull man!! FEEEEEEEELZ gone don't it?? :D