Awesome Grizzly Hunt

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
BEST town on EARTH
A good friend, hunting partner, and occasional occupant of my home (during his off-season when he's in MT) is an outfitter in Northern BC and a damn good one at that. One of his hunts is being covered in a "Live Hunt" section on the Bowsite currently.

Anyhow, check it out. He took the owner of the Bowsite on a grizzly hunt recently. I know the ending, which should be posted late tonight and it's definately worth a look. He phoned me last week from his tent (satellite ph) and told me to check this out. He currently is with another friend of mine chasing mtn goats (they have already killed his moose and caribou). He may take a Grizzly also.

Read the story day-by-day. It's actually really good.
What? The hunter was 60 yards from a grizzly with a recurve, its getting dark, so they say walk toward the grizzly and he does it? I would predict they will die, but you say your friend lived and called you from the tent. So, what's the ending, we'll find out later I guess.
WOW.....That is INTENSE!
I sat and read all the Griz stories in the B&C book after my dad-in-law shot one that
just made the book. Almost every story at some point has the bear seemingly looking for the hunter ......pretty erie.

Greenhorn, have you hunted griz yet? Bow?

I can't wait for the finish of this story.
Is it a satilite upload then?

That sounds like your kind of hunt.

Which backpack do you use?

Great story. Hope it works out for him.
GREENHORN with a bow chasing Grizz..... HAHAH, He had a hard time going into the "INDIAN BAR" (I forgot the name.. JAmestown or something) were people (WHITE BOYS) get killed every now and then. HELL we weren't in there 2 mins and I had 2 injan friends... ;)

GREENY chasing Grizz.... HUMMmmmm I think He'd have to change his Lucky UNDIES :D :D

(ALL that being said, I wouldn't either, It takes man with BIG KO-JONES for that
I've been checking the site every couple of hours waiting for the end, and I tell ya I'm not going anywhere there's damn bears :eek:
HOLY SH!T.............

That Video was AWESOME!
I had to back it up 3 times to see it coming.
See what I meant, All the big griz stories seem to end up like that!

Bearstalker--the camera gets knocked over so after he sticks it there's not much to be seen--just the audio---if that's what you mean----chris
All I get on the kill shot video is a black screen. I can hear the bear and the two gun shots, but can't see a damn thing. The first video worked where he missed the other bear, but the kill shot won't work. :mad:
Holy Cow!!! What a hard core hunt with an incredible ending! Too bad they weren't using the tripod for the camera!

Anyone else suprised that they had a scope on the self-defense rifle?

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