Armed Threats on Bison?

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Given that it is a yes or no question, it shouldn't take you too long to run down to the tavern and ask the bar stool biologists drinking keystone what your opinion is supposed to be.

Hurry back.

It's going to take awhile if you have to go to SD to ask the bar stool biologist.

When can the Feds deliver the bison to your ranch?

Do you share the same stance as SS that bison should be able to graze on private property?
I don't care what you do in Montana with Montana money. If it involves federal dollars then I do care.

A true sportsman does not advocate private property owners having their rights and lively hood trampled on.

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Originally Posted by BigRack
You never said anything about brucellosis. We are discussing what you said.
We are discussing threats on Bison. Got it! There's that ADD thing going again.

You said landowners have a responsibility to let wildlife onto their property. That means you think they should not fence them out.

Twice now I've said: Quote:
What's the difference between a neighbors beef cow getting on, and bison?

If you don't want the animals there then fence them out.

I've got no problems with property rights. You can do with your lands what you want too
What you said is in black and white.

Now answer my questions.
How much l wanted to take scalps, but it was not my kill.

Did you notice that your buddy Jose does not feel the same way you do or your other buddies? Are you alright with cattle damaging private lands under open range in Montana? If it's good for one then it should be good for the other. Until the law changes I see no attack taking place on private property rights.

I hunt on private and public land and have never paid one dime to do it.

Same here, I do help fence and brand on occasion though.

I respect people and their property. Already answered many many times.

You should learn to do the same.

Do you respect the public right's to access their property? Do you feel wildlife deserve rights to the publics lands?

If you don't answer your no sportsman, nor any type of conservationist I've ever known.

Take a look at this thread. No one is willing to back your stance that bison should be able to graze on private land.

Why are you afraid to say were you live?

Don't you plan on being here long?

Do you know what UPOM stands for?

Start a thread and ask posters to say they are for bison grazing on private land.

That will be the definitive answer.

Do you share the same stance as SS that bison should be able to graze on private property?

Ted Turner has thousands of Bison grazing private lands. Is that alright with you? If they get off his lands and graze on the neighbors, they have to run them off. Is that ok with you?

If their cattle get on his lands, then breed with his Bison they aren't liable. Is that alright with you?

If the private lands livestock escape and do damage to my public lands, is that alright with you?

I know you won't answer, because your afraid too.
A true sportsman does not advocate private property owners having their rights and lively hood trampled on.

Can you elaborate on this one? Would a "true sportsman" support the eminent domain takings to build the Keystone XL pipeline? What is the connection of "true sportsman" and "lively hood" (sic) being trampled on?

Did you notice that your buddy Jose does not feel the same way you do or your other buddies?
Are you trying to attribute something to me I didn't say? I think that would make you a liar.

I hunt on private and public land and have never paid one dime to do it.

You should be more grateful to those of us who do pay taxes and support the many ways you rely on others.

Take a look at this thread. No one is willing to back your stance that bison should be able to graze on private land.

Why would anyone have a problem with deer, elk, or bison grazing on private land? That is something all hunters should support, and only anti-hunters would oppose.
bigrack, Heres a question for you and musketballs...

Why all the pissing and moaning about Montana wanting bison on public lands when North Dakota and South Dakota both have wild herds that seem to cause very few problems?

I worked for about a month in the Badlands in N. Dakota, lots of bison there roaming around and I dont recall a single landowner whining about them.

Never hear much crying about the Bison in Custer State Park either.

Strange that those bison herds arent being discussed? Where are the brucellosis problems with those herds? Where are the thousand of miles of busted fences?

Also, the Missouri River breaks country in Eastern Montana would be a good place for bison, even better than the herds in N. and S. Dakota. Matter of fact, APR already has bison roaming around in the breaks. Funny too, that I've yet to hear one complaint from a landowner near the APR property where a herd of bison is already established. I see them every year I hunt the breaks and they seem pretty content just doing bison stuff.

I did hear a landowner complain of elk doing 15K in damage to fences in the breaks, but not a mention of the bison wondering off the APR property and doing a lick of damage.

There is room for a herd of bison in the Breaks, mainly because a vast majority of the best habiat is public, the area is huge, and any damages could be mitigated.

Its funny that ranchers will tolerate elk trashing their fences, because they sell trespass fees or outfit it, but then balk at bison, that I dont believe do as much damage to fences as elk.

Funny thing to on the whining I listened to in the breaks when I had my last bull permit...the rancher that was claiming elk did 15K in damage to their fences wouldnt let me shoot a cow on my bull tag to help out. Said there was NO WAY I could hunt there and kill a cow elk, as they had paying clients. The rancher did encourage me to kill a cow on public land though to help reduce the herd. I would have killed a cow on the private to help the problem, but NO WAY was I going to kill one on public. I killed a 5 point on the public and hope the hundreds of cow elk I passed are knocking over that ranchers fences.

Apparently they werent really too concerned about killing the elk causing them the 15K in damages.

I say get a collaboration of parties together, have the discussion, and give it a there is NO question that bison have a place in the breaks.

Saw this guy a few times while hunting elk there last home, where they belong.

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Ted Turner has thousands of Bison grazing private lands. Is that alright with you? If they get off his lands and graze on the neighbors, they have to run them off. Is that ok with you?

If their cattle get on his lands, then breed with his Bison they aren't liable. Is that alright with you?

If the private lands livestock escape and do damage to my public lands, is that alright with you?

I know you won't answer, because your afraid too.

Ted owns or leases the land his bison are on.

There we go again with the "my" public land. It is our public land.

What damage will a cow do to "our" public land? It will eat some grass that will grow back.

I'm serious. Start a thread to see who backs your opinion that land owners have the responsibility to allow bison to graze their land.
bigrack, Heres a question for you and musketballs...

Why all the pissing and moaning about Montana wanting bison on public lands when North Dakota and South Dakota both have wild herds that seem to cause very few problems?

Where did I say I don't want bison on pubic lands?

Please read the thread.

My problem is SS thinks landowners should allow bison to graze on their land.
Ted owns or leases the land his bison are on.

There we go again with the "my" public land. It is our public land.

What damage will a cow do to "our" public land? It will eat some grass that will grow back.

I'm serious. Start a thread to see who backs your opinion that land owners have the responsibility to allow bison to graze their land.

Are you really that ignorant to the damage caused by cattle on My Public Lands?
What is the RMEF and other wildlife organizations opinion on bison grazing on private property?
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