Arizona Elk, take cover, or else

Time to inspect just how bad it is.

Yup, pretty bad.

Relieved to be at the shop and handing it over to more capable hands.
Things get much more serious tomorrow, once we can start filming for good. Will post better updates as we get into the elk.........if we get into the elk.
No doubt the OYOA trailer has seen a few bumps in the road while it's racked up the thousands of miles over the last few years. Good luck with the elk guys.
Thanks for reminding me Randy, I need to pack the bearings on the duckboat trailer. On a real note, glad to see the trailer didn't burn up, and all the gear along with it.
Randy, I guess that is a hint for me to get off my duff and find you another trailer, preferably enclosed and with a halon fire supressing system.........MH
No news from this morning. Just lots of cow hunters driving around on Jeeps and ATVs. Good news is that Loren is here and ready to go. We are heading out now and gonna find that big one Larry has his sights set on.

Will give the update tonight.
Loren arrived and we discovered a major camera problem. Seems .like this is the trip where mechanical problems will abound. We are now running on back up camera #2. Since we don't have a backup camera #3, things need to go as planned from here on out.

Here is Loren fixing the camera, the same camera that flaked out in MT last year and in CO the year before. Everytime they send it back for repair, it supposedly checks out to be fine. At least this time, we caught the problem before the moment of truth. This camera might soon be converted to a very expensive boat anchor.

After another evening of glassing, no elk spotted. Larry is looking for one specific elk that he saw while scouting. Seems like some other people know of the bull, given the amount of company we have. They are driving the roads while we sit atop a rock pile and glass. Hope that bull doesn't stumble across a road and give those guys a "bail out" opportunity.

We could probably be in a different area with more elk, but that is what you sign up for when you say you are wanting to shoot "a specific" elk. This is some marginal habitat. and the numbers are pretty low, but I can see how a bull could grow old in this flat juniper country. The mere fact Larry actually spotted them in his six days of scouting is amazing to me.

Another great day in the On Your Own Adventures world.
They say insanity is doing the same thoing multiple times and expecting different results. Call us insane.

Morning spent on the same rock pile looking for "the chosen" one. No sightings.

If not for my trust in Larry, you could not convince me that a very big bull ever stepped hoof in this drainage. But, the waterholes have enough tracks to tell me an elk does occassionally visit this locale. And the large number of hunters driving the roads tells me Larry is not the only tagholder to have put a visual on Mr. Big.

There is great temptation to move to other areas in hopes if getting a glimpse at more elk, but so far Larry is resisting such.

Will spend more time and miles checking out other possible sanctuaries later this morning.
Good luck finding the "chosen" one...I sure hope someone did not already shoot it and your sitting in that area for nothing :) I also think it's time to loose those heavy cameras and shoot with the DSLR's :) Would be cool to see if you could shoot a whole show with those.
The elk were not very cooperative this morning, but the sunrise was pretty spectacular.

Going north for some new country this afternoon. Flatter and thicker than the stuff we have been hunting. Will see if there is any sign worthy of more investment. Larry is convinced the Mr. Big is still around, just doing a good job of staying hidden.
Hunting elk in that country can't be easy. Hunting just one would be brutal. He must be something special! Good luck.

Sorry about the trailer. Unfortunately been there, done that. Once. That is all it takes.

A tip from a guy in a shop where I dumped my last wad to get a trailer fixed- It takes just a sec, but whenever you stop to gas up or take a wiz, just touch the hub area on your wheels and if you have a hot one, a warm one, you know you are going to be having an issue soon.
Hopefully all that traffic is just guys scouting for their rifle tags and will be gone with the end of the weekend. Good luck!!!!
What can go wrong, will go wrong.

After five days of nothing, we were tripping over elk as we walked this morning. To our south was the 320ish bull we saw the other day. He and two cows and two spikes were a mile and a half south. We hustled to get in front of them.

As we moved in, we could hear the bull moving more away from us, toward the highway that separates this unit and the unit to the south.

We heard a bugle, then Bang-Thwack. Guess road hunting has some upsides.
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