Anyone Know This Guy?


Someone forgot the "pee-pee". Don't worry Larry, I know where it is hiding...
Mike Luckey once held Mike Hawk after a violent regurgitation episode. He said that Mike Hawk withered away to half the man he was before...

I'm wondering if during your relations with Mr. Big Stick, he wore his macho hardhat that says, "If it is too Homo for Everyone else....Then it is Just right for me"?

The only one backpedaling is you. You look like you have made a wrong turn in a hetrosexual gathering of ample body males...

You are welcome to your fantasies,fueled by my unrivaled masculine form...but you botch History/English horribly and it is an embarrassing read.....................
Big Stick,

A man who boasts as much as you should fuel the debate with facts. The only inaccuracy in these historical accounts is your fleeting memory of said facts....


I'm not sure on the hardhat. Me and Larry always rode "bareback"...
I've said often and with accuracy,that the ONLY problem with kicking a Gook's that you just feel like doing it again in a half hour or so.

I've zero qualm stomping niggers,chinks or spicks...mainly because I can and I've nary a Racist bone in my body,because I simply like to fight and am more than a little good at it.

So noone is alarmed,I kicked phuck outta 3 honkies at the last "readjustment",at the same time...mainly because I was the Boss. I went to lengths not to cripple anyone,but left a mark.(grin)

That's how I roll...........................
Oh Larry, you are such a legend in your mind. I am fighting right now. Fighting from the urge to confess my love of you to the whole world, be they white, black, brown or green.
We no luv for growth stunted czechs either. I've rolled one or two over in my time and would happily do it again...simply because i can.
I imagine you are fighting many things,including your handle.

I'm good with a fake chink,feigning a fake chink,because she can't communicate within her race.

I've said often and with accuracy,that the ONLY problem with kicking a Gook's that you just feel like doing it again in a half hour or so.

I've zero qualm stomping niggers,chinks or spicks...mainly because I can and I've nary a Racist bone in my body,because I simply like to fight and am more than a little good at it.

So noone is alarmed,I kicked phuck outta 3 honkies at the last "readjustment",at the same time...mainly because I was the Boss. I went to lengths not to cripple anyone,but left a mark.(grin)

That's how I roll...........................

Now I'm *Laffin* of course it's at you, not with you.

You must have lost your mojo. You use to possess such a quick wit. I must say that I am disappointed. I guess that everyone has an off night. Maybe Bill and Dave could come over and play too. We could really rock this place.
I imagine you are fighting many things,including your handle.

I'm good with a fake chink,feigning a fake chink,because she can't communicate within her race.


He said "fake" and "feigning" in the same sentence. Larry, in our multicultural melting pot is there really a true raza?
I'm sure you Gooks gotta tell yourself SOMETHING.

Please explain eating with 2 sticks,as opposed to carrying 2 buckets of shit upon 1?
