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Anyone else crying.......

rhomas, it is disappointing to see someone so blatantly racist and bigoted try to defend their stance as "pro-American", etc. I don't think you are crazy or a lunatic, but something more troubling.
Tell me, what was your grandparents' nationality? Their parent's nationality? How far back do you have to go before the lines blur and your family is a product of "immigration"? Not very far, which is the fact with anyone living in the US. And you claim to be opposed to "legal immigration"...interesting statement.

The landscape has changed, and will continue to do so. Progress is an American trait, regardless of color, religious or lifestyle beliefs. Curb the hatred, think solutions--you will live longer. But, as we all know, it is easier to complain about what is holding you back, rather than going out there and truly making a difference, being successful as you define it, and making a good life for those around you --friends, family, etc.

Back to work. Time to be productive and get ready for a potentially eventful weekend of hunting, with the weather changing, and animals on the move.
How differently would the election have played out if in addition to the vote you already have, you also got one additional vote for every thousand dollars you pay in net taxes? Taxes are necessary, but it would be very interesting if those paying them had more control through the voting process.

Second that idea.
Have to agree with BigFin.
IMO the Republicans need to quit catering to their far right wingnuts. I voted republican until the last election.....becuase I like low taxes, not a fan of gay marriage, gun rights, etc., etc.
I work for a local government. For the last 6 years the local, state, and federal republicans have been demonizing and bashing me and anyone else who works for the public. They want my paycheck, retirement, medical, etc.......they want slave labor. They want every workin guy to make 9$ an hour. They want to ship every job overseas for cheaper labor so the CEO can make 10 billion, instead of 6 billion.
I always wonder, "why are they after my ass all the time.....I freakin work for a living!" Pay taxes, etc. etc.
Bottom line......if they are trying to take my paycheck, they will not get my vote.
I believe the re-election of BO is just another part of God's plan for the destruction of this world and redemption of mankind. The bible is clear that all nations will have one currancy, a united one world government system, all nations will hate the Jewish people, wIcked people wIll Increase In number, homosexualIty wIll become maInstream, and so on. Our dollar is so de-valued, our rights as citizens are being given to the UN, men are proud, boastful, lovers of self and pleasure rather than lovers of God, good is evil and evil is good. Either have your judgement today or live separate from God forever. We are going to live forever, either in a burning hell or a newly created earth. Preston

More good words from the Republican "base"....impressive.:eek:

And they wonder why they keep losing?

I wont be able to afford any ammo after Jan 1 and the Bush Tax Cuts aren't renewed. Gotta figure out where I can cut bacl on the budget to afford a MINIMUM of $300 a month in more taxes. YAY Middle CLass!
Then again, maybe I can get on the Obamacare bandwagon, and that will save my $850 a month in premiums I pay now....LMAO
I'm glad I'm not into AR rifles because there will be another shortage of those I'm sure again.:rolleyes:
I wish I had the scratch to buy about 2 dozen of them about 6mos ago. Even the cheapies will be gaining in value soon...could made a 'mint'! :D
An conservative columnist on the radio this morning summed it up quite well in pointing out that the day of reckoning is here for the Republican party and they can no longer use the strategy of driving up the white voter turn out.

Demographics have changed and more importantly so have many beliefs, particular on social issues.

It's time for the adults in the R party to take back over and focus the message. Quit letting Bachman, Santorum and Akin types get to the microphone. I think Boehner could be a tremendous speaker, he can connect with so many, but the message must be focused.

Finally, IMO once many realize that the Rush Limbaugh types are for entertainment only, and should not be taken seriously the R party will again be able to deliver a clear message to the people. All the shock jocks do is make a mockery of conservatism divide the base and motivate the left.
I wrote myself in for President... You guys can argue all you want, I didn't vote for either of them.
I believe the re-election of BO is just another part of God's plan for the destruction of this world and redemption of mankind. The bible is clear that all nations will have one currancy, a united one world government system, all nations will hate the Jewish people, wIcked people wIll Increase In number, homosexualIty wIll become maInstream, and so on. Our dollar is so de-valued, our rights as citizens are being given to the UN, men are proud, boastful, lovers of self and pleasure rather than lovers of God, good is evil and evil is good. Either have your judgement today or live separate from God forever. We are going to live forever, either in a burning hell or a newly created earth. Preston

Was that you that knocked on my door the other day with a couple other guys in ties? You even scared my dog.

No wonder the Repubs. are going down hill in a hurry...

I'm almost scared to laugh about some of this stuff. I would laugh, but I think some of you are actually serious.

I voted for Tebow.
So as long as everyone else is chirping off, Ill throw in my .02c. Disclaimer-I usually tend to think conservatively on most issues but Rhomas, your comments are ignorant and disgraceful. You need your own island where your contamination doesnt infect anyone else.
Mom and Dad are both on the high end of lower class workers. I am a doctor. Studied and paid for 9 years of school myself. I made a ton of money last year both in practice and in the stock market. I am pro-gun, pro-hunting, pro-choice, pro-legal immigration, believe the govt should take in tax dollars for civil services and they should use those monies RESPONSIBLY. It is patriotic to pay taxes. We all have a duty to pay for the roads we drive on, the police, firefighters, etc etc. I date a 1st generation, 100% Mexican girl who is also a Dr. Her parents are legal immigrants of this country and are also upper end of the lower class. I wholeheartedly support legal immigration. I do not however support the idea that illegal immigrants should be able to vote, receive tax payer funded healthcare or welfare benefits. Contribute legally to society or politely leave. Last year, we paid a combined $175,000 in income taxes. When the govt finds ways to grossly misuse funds, I have a problem. When I get told by the govt that I gotta give a little more, I have a problem. I do enough. I've done my part. I do way more than my part actually. Could I do more and pay more?? Sure. Tell me why I should though? If I had a checking balance of $1000, I would not spend $3000. The govt sees to it that they find a way to overspend in the name of compromise bc there is no personal responsibility w the presidency AND/OR the Congress. It's not sustainable. I went to school and for the next 30 years, Im going to pay the school debt back and I'll work and pay taxes and yet, Im going to continue to have to work harder, see more patients and earn less because Obamacare says so. We already have socialized medicine. Its called Medicare and mdeicaid and they cant even run those programs correctly. Yet of the money that is spent in the Medicare/Medicaid program, only 9% actually is paid to Dr's. I believe in helping those who CANT help themselves. NOT those who WONT help themselves. Get a job. Maybe it wont be the position you had when we were in a thriving economy. Maybe you'll have to swallow your pride and accept a lower position. Sobeit. Have some pride in the fact that you are contributing to the country instead of being a burden on it. The constitution says I have the right to own a weapon and doesn't discriminate what type of weapon that is. I cant say I agree w all Republican doctrine but when you add them all up, I agree with a few more Rep ideals than Dem ideals. So I pick the candidate that best embodies those ideals. Romeny wasnt a perfect match for me, but he was a better fit for what I want than Obama. Somewhere earlier in the post it was mentioned that the deadlock in the govt was the solution. I think there is a ton of merit to that statement. Nothing gets fixed but more importantly nothing gets broken. Someone else also said that Reps want to send all of our jobs overseas. I think you prob better stop being a hypocrite and analyze your retirement portfolio and see what companies you own as well. The CEO is a slave to you, the shareholder so at the end of the day we are all guilty for the export of those jobs. We each have direct ties to the companies who are shipping jobs overseas. It sucks. It sucks that our neighbors, family and friends lose those jobs but it is never going to change as long as people here wont work for 1/15th of what they are accustomed to earning. If I was CEO of a large manufacturing company and the question was survival of my company or move overseas, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. We need a smaller, business friendly govt, welfare and tax reform, less regulation so people can get back to doing business. The govt doesn't know how to run my life, my religion, my business, my family better than I do. The next 4 years are going to be a very bumpy challenging time for this country. The divisions in this country are appalling and growing deeper every day. The Reps vs the Dems, the rich vs the poor, the X vs Z, etc. Hopefully, we can all work together to better our positions and prosper for a better future.
Well the stock market did well today...........but it wasn't because BO got back in it was because of Greece, yea right
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