Anyone back from bow season yet?

Im leaving thurs morning, but as hearsay goes, I heard of a 385 in NM unit 15 this week
I hope his DADDY is in the area waiting for MY arrow!
Well, I got back from only 3 days of hunting the kaibab in 12A E& W and saw no Bucks, only does 28 of them.
Saw 15 turkeys that were really small at 30 yards or less. Most of these were new borns

saw some hunters off the 241(telephone hill) road violating the road blockages and them going into the wilderness areas. Tried to inform them b4 going to the ranger with their info, but they did not listen.
All in all it was fun, had does at 30-40 yards but only allowed to take bucks.
Hope others did better.
Very dry year, hardly any deer compared to last year. They need to make archery a draw up there or close it to hunting for a couple of years only. Yes, I know they tried that back in TFR's days and it did not work too well, because they eliminated the natural predators at the same time.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is unit 15 divided? I hunted 15-B last year<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

15a and b are now one unit. Look at some of the areas in what used to be 15a, I think that was a better unit than 15b, having hunted both.

got a call last nite from my sister that my nefew got an elk in area 4a she said it was an 800 lbs i sain he got a nice bull she said no it was a cow i started to laugh an she wanted to know why i was laughing i said i dont think cow elk get that big she said the 5 guys that where with him swear it was 800 lbs took them 1 1/2 hrs to get a mile back to the truck so i am waiting to see pics an a story from him
Got back from CO last week. I killed a nice 6x6. 4 of us hunting, 3 with M/L, 1 with bow. One of the others shot his first bull - a 4x4, other m/l hunter missed a chip-shot at 43 yds and the bow hunter missed a "gimme-shot" at 28 yds on a beautiful 5x5 - got that one on video!!! I just knew he was going to get that bull! I stopped the bull at 45 yards with a cow call and he missed it again!!!! Sickening.
just rolled in the door last Wednesday. My partner hooked up with a little 5x5 and I hooked up with a 6x6. No deer though. Seen a lot of bucks but just couldn't get close enough. oh well, always have extended season!

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