Any Crossfitters on here?


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
White Bear Lake, Minnesota
I have recently started adopting some of the aspects of Crossfit into my workout routine again. I used to do it early on 2003ish before they had gyms and such a regimented following, but haven't done too much of it since.

Do any of you out there use Crossfit, or are a member of their gyms? I would be interested in your thoughts.
I’ve long thought about doing it because I tend to do well in a peer pressure/competitive (for lack of a better term) environment. However, I have held off largely because I think Cross-Fit is flawed with respect to many exercises including Olympic lifts. In short, many exercised they do are not meant for time or any other measure. They should strictly be focused on technique because that is what they are by design.

This is also a reason why I am still fat.
Our trainers in the gym here use SOME of the many aspects/exercises, but as JRY mentioned there are some problems with the culture. We have quite a few guys that do it religiously and compete and are in great shape. The bad part is that given some of the "events" when things go bad they go REALLY bad. My trainer has me doing 2 days upper body, 2 days lower body and a day of plyos for explosion each week. All of those days have an agility/intense portion for cardio at the end. Works great. Got back from the dock this morning and the BP was 112/80 @ 6' 220# and around 17% BF.
I’ve long thought about doing it because I tend to do well in a peer pressure/competitive (for lack of a better term) environment. However, I have held off largely because I think Cross-Fit is flawed with respect to many exercises including Olympic lifts. In short, many exercised they do are not meant for time or any other measure. They should strictly be focused on technique because that is what they are by design.


And the fact I like the shoes and socks I wear :D
LOL, that is the response I was hoping for. I think it can be done well, but the culture has the tendancy to attract an addictive/obsesive personality, and before you know you have a little mini cult of knee sock wearing workout fiends.

However, I do like some of the lifts that involve the whole body, but would caviat that they aren't probably for the beginner unless you have a trainer. I have just found that by doing a few lifts that involve multiple muscle groups, I can smoke myself in 30 minutes v. 60.

At some point you cannot argue against the fact that a ton of pro teams and military units see great sucess, when it is executed properly.

Also, I think JR would look cute in some of those socks, maybe a headband?
Guilty of drinking the Koolaid here. Prior to the start of the year, I was doing it about 3 days/week at the Y for free with a trainer who worked there. There was some coaching, but basically it was just a group that met MWF and worked out together. I did this for about a year and a half. In January, the aforementioned trainer opened his own "box" which the wife and I both joined. I try to go M-F and make it all 5 days many weeks, but some weeks I take a day or so off. We both enjoy it greatly. The wife and I go to different class times (me-5am, her-5pm) due to kids, but it's still something we "do" together. The group atmosphere pushes me as I have a strong competitive and jealousy streaks.

Though I really haven't lost any weight, and I'm fat, I am in much better shape. I can move faster, longer, and lift more. I'm planning on buckling down on watching the calories starting Monday. So, for me I think it 'works'. That said, for most folks, just doing something that you like well enough to keep doing it is going to 'work'. I can't say definitively that its the best thing for me as far as hunting, I was quite pleased with my ability to get around the hills in AZ in February. I plan on keeping on and mixing in some extra work running and hiking this summer.

I'm not going to get as defensive as many who do Crossfit do, but I will say that I think most all of the 'bad' can be mitigated with a good coach. Not all whom own a box or coach Crossfit are good coaches. I do believe that mine is. Both his undergraduate and graduate degrees are in the fields of either exercise science or kinesiology. He's well versed on the movements and absolutely stresses proper form over weight or intensity. My wife did suffer a back injury in February; she bulged a disc. I'm not sure if anyone can blame the workouts for being directly responsible or the tumble she took in January on the sledding hill with the kids. That said, she's better and the coach as worked extensively with her on her form as well as modifying some of the movements to better protect her back. She's nearly back to being stronger and faster than she was prior to getting hurt. She's a medical professional and feel that the coach has done a good job of getting her back there, safely.

If you decide to really try, I suggest you at least take the On Ramp courses from a coach. These help with understanding proper form for most of the movements. If you keep doing it I can almost assure that you will be sore in some part of your body most everyday! :D
Good for you and your wife, Pointer. I think the concept executed responsibly is good, I mostly poke fun at some of my buddies about their cult like defense of the activity, and their socks ;-).

To be honest, I get alot of heat for being a barefoot runner. Everybody wants to tell me their horror stories, but I can say is it has been working for me for 4 years. I am definately in the clydesdale class, and I ran 8 miles Tuesday night, was squatting 250 in the gym wednesday, and did lunges/deadlifts in the gym/ran 5 miles yesterday. It is all about doing it right, if you do things wrong you can hurt yourself doing any physical activity.

Have you heard of a book called "Becoming a Supple Leopard" by Tony Starret (SP?), I just got it. It is all about injury prevention, recovery, and tapping physical potential.
MinnHunter....I listen to my body much more than I used to...and it says, "crossfit??!!, no frickin' way!"
Want to make yourself look good? Get a fat friend.

Good for you and your wife, Pointer. I think the concept executed responsibly is good, I mostly poke fun at some of my buddies about their cult like defense of the activity, and their socks ;-).

To be honest, I get alot of heat for being a barefoot runner. Everybody wants to tell me their horror stories, but I can say is it has been working for me for 4 years. I am definately in the clydesdale class, and I ran 8 miles Tuesday night, was squatting 250 in the gym wednesday, and did lunges/deadlifts in the gym/ran 5 miles yesterday. It is all about doing it right, if you do things wrong you can hurt yourself doing any physical activity.

Have you heard of a book called "Becoming a Supple Leopard" by Tony Starret (SP?), I just got it. It is all about injury prevention, recovery, and tapping physical potential.
I've heard of that book from a couple of different folks, but haven't read it yet. I'm gonna see if the library has it. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm not a barefooter, but I have gone to a minimalist shoe (4mm drop). I really like it and am looking for some 'flatter' light hiking boots for here in Indiana. The flatter shoes are much, much better for lifting than the running shoes I was using prior. Easier to stay on your heels for squats, deadlifts, cleans, etc. I think I'm gonna start adding some running in starting this week.

Yeah, many do get very defensive and are very vocal about doing Crossfit. I try not to be that way as there's many ways to skin the cat. For me, the fairly expensive membership fees are a motivator to go often to get my money's worth. Since I go to a class at a regular time, I know that they know when I'm not there. Keeps me getting up and out of bed at 4:30. Crossfit may not be from everyone, but I'd be surprised if there's anyone here that couldn't benefit from adopting some of the movements/principles that they espouse to be more functionally fit.
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