Another point of view

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
People have gotten on Bush's case about using images of 9-11 in his ads - here is another viewpoint -

"It is one thing for individual family members to invoke the memory of all 3,000 victims as they take to the microphone or podium to show respect for our collective loss. It is another for them to attempt to stifle the debate over the future direction of our country by declaring that the images of 9/11 should be off-limits in the presidential race, and to do so under the rubric of 'The Families of Sept. 11.' They do not represent me. Nor do they represent those Americans who feel that Sept. 11 was a defining moment in the history of our country and who want to know how the current or future occupant of the Oval Office views the lessons of that day....Whatever these 9/11 families may think of the president's foreign policy or the war in Iraq, I ask them to reconsider the language and tone of their statements. We should not tolerate or condone remarks such as those of the 9/11 relative who, so offended by the campaign ads, said that he 'would vote for Saddam Hussein before I would vote for Bush.' The insult was picked up and posted on Al-Jazeera's Web site. In view of the sacrifice our troops have made on our behalf, this insensitivity to them and their families suggests a level of self-indulgence and ingratitude that shocks the conscience. George W. Bush says that his presidency is inspired by an enduring obligation to those who lost their lives on that brutal September morning. The images of that day stand as an everlasting example of our country's darkest day and finest hour. They are a vivid reminder of the strength and resilience of our great country. They belong to us all -- including this president. Let the candidates make their own choices. I trust the American people." -

-Debra Burlingame, Wall Street Journal

(**Debra Burlingame is a life-long Democrat, and the sister of Charles F. "Chic" Burlingame, III, captain of American Airlines flight 77, which was crashed at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001)
Wow, she is close to what happened, her brother was captain, wow.

The war on terror is very important, Bush is doing great.

For example, 4 million students in school today in Afganistan including 1.4 million girls. The Taliban had a million total. The average daily wage has more than doubled in Afgan. since the Taliban were driven out. There's a long way to go, before lots of Islamic Arabs stop learning to hate us, but education and work are on the right path.

To bad about the Spanish last weekend.

[ 03-15-2004, 13:26: Message edited by: Tom ]
What don't kill you; makes you stronger! God bless you Debra!!
For example, 4 million students in school today in Afganistan including 1.4 million girls
My sister was in Afganistan in December and left again yesterday to go back for another month. She works for JHPIEGO and they are teaching Afgan women how to be midwives and care for their newborn. She told me the Afgan people are extremely warm to them and thank them for being Americans and praise Bush over and over. What do you suppose would have been the outcome if Gore was president? Kerry?
That Debra must still be shaken up a bit, and not thinking too clearly. The objections of Dubya's 9-11 campaign ads were the use of coffins of people's loved ones. Everybody knows Dubya will have to campaign on 9-11, as there is nothing else to his presidency. But the use of somebody's coffin in a campaign ad is a bit insensitive.
Oh I don't know; I think an empty one might be appropriate for Kerry and the DNC! :D
I think Kerry did a whole lot of objectionable things in his anti-war protests - mock bodies all over the place, accusing entire classes of people (Viet Nam vets) as war criminals, blanket accusations, pictures of dead and wounded American soldiers, body bags and coffins being sent home, etc.

Does anyone remember the ad against Barry Goldwater of the little girl holding the flower and then the mushroom cloud? ;)

I have no problem with Bush reminding the apparently memory-challenged people about what happened on 9-11.
I am thinking that Bush has done more for the country than just 9-11. It seems to me that one of the reasons all the Dem's/Lib's/Socialists/Communists were shut down just before 9-11 was because Bush pushed thru huge spending measures for the masses and basically took all the drums away from those mentioned above. Those seeking to re-attain their power again have nothing to offer, no new changes, no new ideals for the people to grasp. Kerry is only spouting the same old rhetoric that worked in the past, only putting a new set of cloths on it to make it appear new. In reality, he as with most all the other Dems/libs/communists, are dead in the water and floundering in what to do next before they drown... ;)

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