And the winner of the Extraction Industries Man of the Year 2017 is?


Sep 30, 2016
Ryan Zinke !!!!!

Ryan Zinke has done more for the Extraction Industry in one year than all the “work” by previous Interior Secretaries combined.

The highlights of Zinke’s first year

1) Rolled back the size of Bears Ears and other Nation Monuments
2) Pushed to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
3) Supported overturning environmental regulations on Fracking
4) Rolled back protections for migratory birds
5) Reinstated mining leases for Ivanka Trumps landlord
6) Pushed to allow a foreign mining company to start mining in prime Salmon fishery areas of Bristol Bay Alaska
7) Supported deregulation that allows mining waste to be dumped in waterways
8) Pushing for a “review” of Sage Grouse protections
9) Scrubbed almost all information concerning climate change from department websites
10) Suspended over 200 citizen advisory panels
11) Abandoned a 30 year in the making overhaul of the Federal Coal Program
12) Fast tracked fossil fuel development by cutting wait time and holding more lease sales
13) Gutted the Interior Department’s budget
14) Put back in place a regulatory loophole allowing dirty energy companies to avoid paying proper royalty rates
15) Pushed to remove protections from several Marine fishery areas
16) Overturned the freeze of new coal leases on public land
17) Weakened the rules for mine clean up on public lands

I am sure there are more that I have missed.

Fight back against Ryan Zinke and the DJT administration's assault on OUR Public Lands, call your Congressional leaders 202-224-3121



Ye Shall Be Free To Roam......