Caribou Gear

An across the board thank you.


New member
Dec 8, 2004
New Brunswick Canada
I am the type of person that tries to do things on a buget as we live off my salery and don't get me wrong as we do quite well. I just am trying to be smart about the money I spend on toys for me and I do not want to leave the family out of anything that could involve them (like shooting bows) so I try to buy or get used equipment in good shape. I ask a lot of questions to make sure I am making a wise move in what I purchase.

My point is this. I can not get over the willingness on Sportsman and sports worman to help with info and even Giving up used equipment to get me going. In the last year I have met (in cyberspace anyway) some great people. This willing ness to help has kind of overwelmend me and it is not just in here but seams to be all over the sites I visit.

I am so greatfull to some people (not gonna mention names as they know who I mean) for all the help in getting me set up as well as helping my kids and family find a sport we can do together in the back yard. I am humbeled by all of this.

Keep up the great work folks and if you are ever comming to the New Brunswick area for a hunt let me know and we will see what we can work out for guiding. I have my guiding license but have never used it as I keep it to guide Friends for free. I can not and will not promise a kill but I will promise a great time.

Thanks again all. :D :D

PS This is also posted on my other sites.