NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Ammon Bundy convicted in trespassing trial

Eventually the Bundys will run out of technicality home free cards. There will still be plenty of 'both sides' elephants in the room.
In the meantime, how much more time and money should the Gov't spend chasing red herrings?
Otto/Bubba: Clive Bundy boasts publicly about not paying grazing fees. There's nothing "alleged" about his breaking the law ... unless he's lying. The feds should not ignore someone who flaunts contractual obligations and the law simply because it would be convenient to do so. If they do, then they're not doing their job. And it invites others to do the same. Then a bigger problem becomes even more expensive to resolve. Why don't you just come out and say it here as you have repeatedly on the other forum: you advocate getting rid of the BLM and turning federal land over to state/private interests.
Frankly, I'm surprised the topic wasn't locked. I mean one would be hard pressed to explain how a misdemeanor trespass violation at a courthouse is related to "hunting, conversation, [or] public lands".

On the other hand, this particular forum is labeled as " A "GATHERING" of friends. Talk hunting or other "gossip!!" " I think it falls pretty squarely within the ambit of gossip.

Just my perspective as a longtime lurker, short time poster, these type of threads keep the community engaged and posting. Personal attacks, of course, are inappropriate.

For me, one big reason I registered an account was I thought I might get some additional functionality. (In particular, the ability to set the number of posts displayed per page. Apparently, you can not.) Then I discovered I couldn't post a topic until I had 10 posts, so decided to jump in.

Once I get 10 I can post my question "Hey guys! I just bought a 6.5CM!! Which TikToks should I be following to improve my chance at a B+C deer???" ;)
The Gov't has been after Bundy et al nearly 30 years (1993), all to no avail.
I'm sure they (the Gov't) has spent well in excess of the $1 million they claim Bundy owed in grazing fees, chasing after them over the last 30 years.
Isn't it about time the Gov't quit wasting time and money and moved on to something more productive? ...or shall they continue wasting time and money for the next 30 years trying to convict Bundy?
The same could be said about every case, trial or law enforcement action.
They are all financial losses we have deemed necessary to uphold the rule of law.
What does the average us citizen have to loose if all public land ranchers refuse to follow the rules?
For one thing our beautiful public lands will be raped and pillaged by cattle and sheep. Hell why should timber companies follow the rules if ranchers don't have to?
Let's not enforce oil and gas laws or the laws pertaining to the extraction industry.
How is the west going to look to my great grandkids? One thing I know for sure is they will be able to say great grandpa fought for us with the best info available.

I haven't even factored in the measly $2.30 an a.u.m ranchers fleece the us taxpayers with.

Side note a good rancher friend of mine actually uses "raped and pillaged" to describe an allotment that he needs to push off of.
You should read up on dudes like Roosevelt, Grinnell and Pinchot...
Ah ... a well read Canadian! Interesting. Just about anyone I associate with in my field of Canadian history might know who TR is but Grinnell and Pinchot would get me a foreman salute for sure (i.e. shoulder shrug). Good for you.
Frankly, I'm surprised the topic wasn't locked. I mean one would be hard pressed to explain how a misdemeanor trespass violation at a courthouse is related to "hunting, conversation, [or] public lands".

On the other hand, this particular forum is labeled as " A "GATHERING" of friends. Talk hunting or other "gossip!!" " I think it falls pretty squarely within the ambit of gossip.
Joe: The Bundys and their cult are a very real threat to public lands. Ammon is a crackpot but definitely not insignificant. The more we can spread the word about the real Ammon Bundy, the less likely other social misfits will fall under his influence. Of course, it will always be impossible to cure stupidity and gullibility entirely. But we need to do our part to help mitigate the spread of Bundyism as much as possible. Discrediting him at every opportunity is about all we can do. If this dialogue has made just one person visiting the forum step back and rethink these sagebrush rebellion kooks, then it's been a worthwhile discussion. No other could be more important to the future of fair chase hunting in North America than the preservation of publicly accessible land. 2nd Amendment pales in comparison. What do I need guns for if I've got no place to hunt?
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"... advocate getting rid of the BLM and turning federal land over to state/private interests ..."

Smartest thing I've ever heard you say, but it's not going to happen, so why fight it?

...but I digress, as do you. This whole post is about Bundy being charged with trespassing in a courthouse.

AGAIN! If the man's name had not been "Ammon Bundy", nobody would have cared 10 cents and probably no more than a blurb in a local paper.
So WHO gives a red rat's rear about Ammon Bundy's "trespass"?
Small potatoes. Get a life.
"... The more we can spread the word about the real Ammon Bundy, the less likely other social misfits will fall under his influence. Of course, it will always be impossible to cure stupidity and gullibility entirely. ..."

"... Discrediting him (Bundy) at every opportunity ..."

What a hypocrite!
Worth noting that this article from October of 2020 says “1/3 of American believe a conspiracy theory” about there being validity to the lab leak hypothesis. At the time, this was poopoo’d and even prohibited as a piece of discussion on most social media. Now:

I know this is a thread about the recurring idiocy of Bundy, but the last year has made me more aware of my own skepticism of official narratives and the use of categorical rhetoric, like “conspiracy theories”, to dismiss out of hand certain things. I’m not endorsing any particular line of thinking regarding the example above nor do I want to argue about it. Just a thought and may be a question , That one of the reasons we are seeing an increase in the amount of suckers out there is that many of our historic sense-making institutions have become chiefly financial machines and compromised ones at that. I also think it’s possible that it’s just because there are more stupid people out there.

As it pertains to the Bundys, one thing I did notice over the last year, is the inconsistency in thought and value of many on the “right” when it comes to law and order. When lawlessness and the voluntary dissolution of order came to many American cities last summer, they decried the madness and the stupidity of it all. But those very same people cheered and served as sophomoric apologists when Bundy and his merry band of idiots took over Malheur. They played a stupid game and outside of Finicum, I wish they would have all won a much stupider prize. The fact that they didn’t is such a tragedy. These guys should be a footnote on a prison roster, and not a recurring headline.
It does seam that labeling something a "conspiracy theory" has become the new go to strategy when you do not want to debate on the merits.

As for the Bundys, I would l have handled them different from the start.
AGAIN! If the man's name had not been "Ammon Bundy", nobody would have cared 10 cents and probably no more than a blurb in a local paper.
So WHO gives a red rat's rear about Ammon Bundy's "trespass"?
Small potatoes. Get a life.
AGAIN! As a registered Idaho voter who has to decide if I need to register as a republican for the primary and who I will vote for.... I DO!
I would also assume that most western public land advocates would be interested in what a candidate to be Idahos governor has been up to especially if they are anti public land and of the Bundy clan.
"... advocate getting rid of the BLM and turning federal land over to state/private interests ..."

Smartest thing I've ever heard you say, but it's not going to happen, so why fight it?

...but I digress, as do you. This whole post is about Bundy being charged with trespassing in a courthouse.

AGAIN! If the man's name had not been "Ammon Bundy", nobody would have cared 10 cents and probably no more than a blurb in a local paper.
So WHO gives a red rat's rear about Ammon Bundy's "trespass"?
Small potatoes. Get a life.
Seems to me that if you declare yourself a candidate for governor, and then it turns out you've been charged with breaking the law, that could be significant.

Then again, this is American politics.

"... advocate getting rid of the BLM and turning federal land over to state/private interests ..."

Smartest thing I've ever heard you say, but it's not going to happen, so why fight it?

...but I digress, as do you. This whole post is about Bundy being charged with trespassing in a courthouse.

AGAIN! If the man's name had not been "Ammon Bundy", nobody would have cared 10 cents and probably no more than a blurb in a local paper.
So WHO gives a red rat's rear about Ammon Bundy's "trespass"?
Small potatoes. Get a life.
Probably true, but Bundy loves it, craves the attention that he has created for himself. Plus, he has cheerleaders like you rooting him on. Sad thing about Bundy is he doesn't realize that he is a mere pawn. If federal lands are transferred and eventually privatized, there will be many higher up getting them........
Canadian super wolves need to take out the Bundys
The gubment been after the Bundy's since they put Canadian super wolves in Idaho in the spring of 1995. The us gov knew they would eventually spread throughout Nevada making the Bundy's ranch un sustainable due to the losses coupled with the outrageous cost of feeding a cow and calf pair for $2.27 each month!
AGAIN! As a registered Idaho voter who has to decide if I need to register as a republican for the primary and who I will vote for.... I DO!
I would also assume that most western public land advocates would be interested in what a candidate to be Idahos governor has been up to especially if they are anti public land and of the Bundy clan.
Seems to me that if you declare yourself a candidate for governor, and then it turns out you've been charged with breaking the law, that could be significant.

Then again, this is American politics.

I think you two guys have pretty much answered your own questions.
Ya do whatcha gotta do.

Ontario Hunter brought it up.
I think those vast expanses of federally owned lands need to go back to their "state of residence".
Let the residents of the respective states decide what's best for "their" state. Not some self important, unelected stuffed shirt sitting behind a desk with a stick up his/her rear that can't tell the difference between a pine cone and a porcupine egg.

But we ALL know THAT will never happen.

The Gov't should only own property for:
Military installations
Buildings necessary to conduct government business!
Yeah! They're gonna listen to me! HA!
What a joke!
I think you two guys have pretty much answered your own questions.
Ya do whatcha gotta do.

Ontario Hunter brought it up.
I think those vast expanses of federally owned lands need to go back to their "state of residence".
Let the residents of the respective states decide what's best for "their" state. Not some self important, unelected stuffed shirt sitting behind a desk with a stick up his/her rear that can't tell the difference between a pine cone and a porcupine egg.

But we ALL know THAT will never happen.

The Gov't should only own property for:
Military installations
Buildings necessary to conduct government business!
Yeah! They're gonna listen to me! HA!
What a joke!
How can Federal lands "go back" to a State that never owned them to begin with?
Probably true, but Bundy loves it, craves the attention that he has created for himself. Plus, he has cheerleaders like you rooting him on. Sad thing about Bundy is he doesn't realize that he is a mere pawn. If federal lands are transferred and eventually privatized, there will be many higher up getting them........
I grew up hunting in Texas, on private land.
I've hunted public land in Colorado, Wyoming and a spot or two in Texas, so, honestly, I really don't care..... about public land OR Mr. Bundy.

P.S. private ground or public, the "higher ups" always get the gravy.
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