PEAX Equipment

American Taken Hostage

You're so predictable , this is gettin fun . Let's do multiple choice spins just for kicks O.K.?

The sarin gas found in Iraq proves nothing because ;
a . it's not really a 'program'
b . it's not really gas
c . Bush lied , therefore it was planted by U.S. soldiers

The beheading of an American by Al Qaeda on video proves nothing because ;
a . they wore masks and were not really Al Qaeda as they claimed
b . the video was edited to look like a beheading , but was actually a fake
c . Bush lied , then paid Al Qaeda terrorists to make the film to cover his ass

You wouldn't believe the truth even if Saddam himself rolled into your front yard in a tank loaded with nuclear warheads and the entire Al Qaeda network in tow and swore to Allah on a stack of camels that everything Dubya ever said was accurate .

[ 05-17-2004, 23:48: Message edited by: FAIRCHASEBEN ]
I dont want to pick bones but as to if a person ever served in the military overseas is a good arguement I wont understand because
#1 I never served in the military period (just like Cheney)
#2Bush never served overseas.

sorta funny in a way

Russ. My parents will be voting for the Democrat that runs this fall. They are True Americans because they vote and abide by the laws. They also pay their taxes.
Yes my parents own firearms and my Dad was/is a hunter. He has been voting Democrat for over 40 years now and wont change.

He raised me and if anybody wants to say he isnt a true American I will argue with that point because regardless of who you vote for you are a citizen and a American. (But some places want foregners living in this country the right to vote. Then are the places to stay away from or fight)

So to not question what the so called leaders of this country is doing is not being American in my book btw

Plus I think it is total BS that the only ones getting chrged in the abuse are the enlisted people. Crap rolls down hill but this is getting ridiculous that some people at the top arent taking the fall also.

Read Nut's post, then go back and read your post.

See a diffence in writing skills, see a difference in actually thinking before you type? You should.


Why are you making stuff up?

I dont think the Sarin gas was planted, never implied or said that. Although, all the news I've heard said, "it might be"...

I just happen to remember what Bush said, apparently you forgot, maybe you need to rehear the "truth".
Buzz, An excellent example of what has become known as the "MINE-ME FIRST-RIGHT NOW" mindset of much of America.

Yea Buzz, and your point is???
There is a big difference in how people vote and how they portray their ideals. I am not against any one that hasn't served, as long as they show some patriatism. I have never met Freds folks, but just by his post I would immagine they understand and believe in this great nation, as does he and his family. But you do nothing that I have ever witnessed on this board to show any honor towards this country that houses you, feeds you, and keeps you safe from intruders. It seems your intent to tear down and degrade every single thing that this country and it's people stand for. It matters not how my laungage skills stack up against any one else on the board and if that is all you have it is pretty sad. Should I compare you with Dan...You don't stand up even a little bit to the quality he puts out? I would bet that if you could look past the superficial as you do with Riparian areas, you would see a whole new point on how things are done, high IQ's don't mean didly if you don't put them to use past the surface of an issue....

As far as debates go, I'll agree with you that Danr can debate. I can also usually understand his posts, he's articulate, obviously educated, and gets his points across. While I may or may not agree with his points, theories, or ideas, I can at least UNDERSTAND what he writes and respect his point of view. Your crap on the other hand, well its just that...crap.

I still dont think Danr can out-debate me though ;)

As far as partiotism goes, I dont think you understand that word at all, Elkcheese. You really dont. Patriotism is not a party line, or going along for the ride, you dont seem to get that.

I dont blindly follow misguided policy. I dont trust politics or politicians. I question those in power and more importantly their decisions...once again read Nuts post, its worth reading a couple times.

You havent seen any thing I do to show patriotism?

Really, well you must have very, very, very poor reading skills and your comprehension must totally suck.

Elkcheese said, "It seems your intent to tear down and degrade every single thing that this country and it's people stand for.

I'd like for you to show me a single time I degraded the U.S. people or the U.S. Since I do it "every single time" I'd think you could find at least one example.
Republican Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President:
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
"I dont know how anyone can believe that Bush is not a huge freaking liar. I watched him address the American public on the need to go to war in Iraq. He told the American public Sadam had direct ties to al quaeda, had or was close to nuclear capabilities, and had weapons of mass destruction.

He lied.

I dont hate Bush, I hate being lied to, in particular by the President of the United States."

Did not! :D
No Buzz I just thought I would try to capture the level of maturity so aptly demonstrated by your lack of civility, manners, and common courtesy. These are traits I commonly summarize as respect.
Does is mean is, or is-is really what is really what is means....
It is funny that you alway's seem to state that you don't understand what I state, then go on and post on it's very meaning...
Come on now, you really do understand and are only lying, or are just taking really accurate guesses on it's meaning... ;)
I would surmise the first part of that last sentence is correct... and what about lyers is it that troubles you??? ;)
Okay Ten Bears. I see what ya trying to ask. However I have read way too many times in various places that the people who have never served in the military dont have a leg to stand on. I think I expressed how I feel on that issue. ;) :D