American Sniper - Movie


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2008
Eastern Idaho
Tragic Story....Amazing movie. Opened today in Idaho Falls, caught the first showing. Very well done, even the wife really enjoyed it. Guy was a true American hero. See it, you won't regret it. Gonna make sure each of my kids see it.
I also went to the first showing where I live, Clint Eastwood did an amazing job for a great American hero. Who know how many American Marines & Soldiers lives he saved. It was truly Better than the book.
I have an eleven year old and I wouldn't let him see it. It would be very hard to explain some of the shots Chris had to make to save Marines and Soldiers. I has fowl language, war killing. My thoughts!
I watch very few movies but this is one I have been looking forward to watching. hopefully I can see it this week.
This story needed to be told. I flew over some of the areas that he worked in and worked on a base nearby. I went to watch it last night with my son, who was 82nd Airborne and worked that area in Baghdad during the surge. He said that he could not sit through it again. It was real enough to bring back lots of bad stuff for both of us.

Every spoiled American brat needs to see this film to understand what people do to serve this country.
I rarely go to the movie theater,butI am going to see this.Sounds like its a great movie and I won't be disappointed like so many other movies
My son was also worked that area as an Airborne CAV scout 25th ID Out of Fort Richardson Ak. He was out of FOB Falcon.
I am taking 5, 14-15 yr old boys to see it tomorrow, hope they all like it
My mom and dad went and saw it today. Mom says there's a lot of stuff in the movie that's going to hit pretty hard and close to home from my experience over there, so I shouldn't go see it in the theater.
How young of a child could see this movie?

My kids are all either adults, or close to it. Youngest is 17. I wouldn't think this movie would be very appropriate for much younger than 14. Very realistic war scenes, and lots of truly authentic "military language". ( Cuss like a sailor.....)
My mom and dad went and saw it today. Mom says there's a lot of stuff in the movie that's going to hit pretty hard and close to home from my experience over there, so I shouldn't go see it in the theater.

I would have to agree with your folks, John. As a guy who has a fair amount of experience treating PTSD in active service members and vets........ There are a lot of potential triggers in this movie.

Thanks for your service, utmost respect
Just left the theater. God Bless America and those of you who served and serve this country. You are all Heros in my eyes. As someone who walked out of tower 2 fourteen years ago I thank every one of you.
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