Alright Fatties.. Who is in ?!?!

Sorry it's the 2nd day of archery antelope. I'll be sweating it in a hot box more then likely.
Does he have to finish it all in one day? ;)

I'd like to see him finish it by the time the course closes. ;)

Shutdown of Course
Race courses will be shut down after 5 hours of the race start. Athletes still racing after 5 hours will need to run on sidewalks and obey all traffic laws in order to finish the race.
Careful Oak, the swim part will be easy for him because fat floats.
Dang, didn't think of that. And that's the portion I was counting on to "sink" him. ;)
I know he's ridden Fat chicks.. but I wonder about a fat dude ? Any bets ?!?!

(I like it when we're making fun of me and it gets deflected.... BUUUYAH !!! ;) )
I know he's ridden Fat chicks.. but I wonder about a fat dude ? Any bets ?!?!

(I like it when we're making fun of me and it gets deflected.... BUUUYAH !!! ;) )

He will do it, Just bring him a pair of socks when your done...:rolleyes:
Moosie, why the hell you want to drive across the state to torture yourself? Just do this one instead...
Emmett's Most Excellent Triathlon

Or try the YMCA Spudman a little earlier in the season if you wanna brave the 55deg water out at Lucky Peak. :D Done it twice now and only saw one dumb ass w/o a wetsuit. Nuts.

I'm doing this one this year instead (same weekend)...
Vikingman Triathlon

...only because I'm hoping they'll give me a real viking helmet that I can drink beer out of for finishing. Beware though, triathlons are an expensive way to beat the crap out of yourself. It's worse than hunting.
Dude.. I DO NOT do well with cold water. Ask anyone that knows me. I can Freeze in water if it's 85 deg if the wind starts. I will be wearing a Wetsuit.... at least a Farmer's john wetsuit.

Billygoat, the closer ones do have a little ore appeal. the Full blown one sound a little too much.

I'm looking for the "sprint" triathlon not an Olympic one. More so because .. Well... I'm Fat :D :D Other then that it sounds like a good idea ;)

I would like to Call out "OAK" though. and Cali hunter. I got $100 that says I can beat you guys. Cali is aging so I would even shave time off his results, we could figure out whats fair ;) OAK, you got the Balls ? Or just talking Trash ... EH ? Heck, I'm dang near 30#'s over weight !!!
Caribou Gear

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